Chapter 1 "Fuck. I Need A Drink."

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     Mickey sat there not knowing what to do. He looked at her. She was in a ball on her bed crying. He didn't know why she was crying, but he is trying to be a better older brother since he has seen that his boyfriend is a better brother to her than him. Clearly, she needed him right now. He pushed the hair that was in her face behind her ear. "Hannah, what's wrong?" He said softly. Calling her by her actual name other than a stupid one he made up made her look up at him. She cleared her throat.
     "The doctor says I have depression." Mickey knew a little bit about this since his boyfriend is bipolar and has issues like this but he still didn't know what to do. He mentally yelled at himself that he didn't ask her earlier but she never came to him. Mickey wrapped his arms around her.
     "It's ok we are going to get through this together."
     "I thought I could do this on my own, but the doctor says I need meds so I guess it's pretty bad." She stopped crying. She felt relieved that her brother was going to try to help her. Mickey was happy she stopped crying.
     "I love you," he whispered into her hair.
     "I love you," she said holding on to his arm. Ian stood in the doorway of Hannah's room watching the two. He smiled at himself.
     "That was cute." Mickey and Hannah pulled away from each other at the sound of Ian's voice. Mickey got up.
     "Fuck off Ian," he said walking out of the room. Ian and Hannah stayed there smiling with each other.
     The next day, Hannah, Mickey, and Ian sat in the doctor's office listening to a nurse explain Hannah's pills. Hannah lost interest a long time ago, too confused to care what was going on. How could she have depression? She didn't believe it at first until she remembered the times where she couldn't get out of bed and randomly cried. She gained interest back in the nurse when Mickey asked how long she would be on the meds. The nurse looked at Hannah. "Probably the rest of her life." Hannah, just being 19. The thought of her being on them for the rest of her life scared her. Mickey said thank you and they left.
     Once in the car, Mickey said, "ok Hannah, these pills are going to take a while to get used to ok?" All Hannah could do was nod her head.
     "Yea we could take our pills together," Ian said trying to cheer her up. But right now, she thought nothing would cheer her up.
     When they got home, Hannah went right to her room after Mickey got her to take her pills. She laid in her bed covering herself with the blankets, never wanting to get out again. Mickey and Ian stayed in the living room. Mickey wiped his face. "Fuck. I need a drink," he said. Mickey was trying not to cry. Ian looked at Mickey, knowing what he was trying to do.
     "Mick you can't drink your problems away," he said concerned. "She'll perk up soon, ok? Then everything will be back to normal." Ian hoped this would happen.

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