Chapter 14 "Aren't You Ever Gonna Learn Not To Mess With A Milkovich."

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Carl walked in the Alibi to pick up Hannah. "Ready to go?" he asked Hannah.
     "Yeah" Hannah put on her jacket. They walked out the door and down the sidewalk. They interlocked hands. "Where are we going?" Hannah asked noticing they weren't going the right way home.
     "We're going to your house," Carl said.
     "It's quieter than my house."
     "That's true."
They walked into Hannah's house. Hannah felt weird being there without Mickey or Ian. "Do you want a beer?" she asked opening the fridge.
     "Yeah," Carl said sitting on the couch. Hannah walked into the living room with two beers. She sat next to Carl and handed him one of the beers.
     "This is weird," Hannah said looking around.
     "Why?" Carl asked.
     "Mickey and Ian aren't here I'm not used to having the house to myself." Right on cue, the front door opened. Ian and Lip walked in.
     "What are you guys doing here?" Carl said annoyed.
     "Got bored wanted to see where you two were," Lip said. Ian and Lip sat down on the couch with Hannah and Carl. Hannah ended up having to sit on Carl's lap because there was no room.
They were talking and watching tv when there was a knock on the front door. Hannah got up and answered it. She opened the door to reveal Jacob. Hannah walked out on to the front porch. She wrapped her arms around herself "What the fuck are you doing here?"
     "Umm I wanted to say sorry and I want to get back together," Jacob said nervously.
     Hannah laughed "so after you blame me that my brother beat you up and you press charges on him because you're a little bitch so I'm supposed to take you back."
     "I'm really sorry I love you I want to be with you," Jacob said.
     "Carl, Lip, Ian come out here" Hannah yelled. They walked out on to the porch.
     "Are those all your boyfriends slut?" Jacob hissed. Carl wanted to go after him but he held himself back he knew Hannah could deal with it.
     "No one of them is my boyfriend the others are his brothers I just need them out here to pull me off of you" Hannah smiling.
     "What?" Jacob said confused. Hannah punched him.
     "Aren't you ever gonna learn not to mess with a Milkovich" she yelled. She kept on punching him. Carl smiled knowing that his girlfriend could beat people up just as well as him made him happy.
     "Hannah come on," Ian said, "let him go." Hannah stood up and kicked him.
     She flipped him off with both of her hands "oh I wish I had more middle fingers." Hannah walked back into the house with Ian, Lip, and Carl following her.
     "Need some ice?" Ian asked Hannah.
     "Yeah." Ian went into the kitchen and put some ice in a plastic bag. He handed it to Hannah. She put it now on her swollen knuckles.
     "Now I know not to mess with you," Carl said.
     "Yeah don't kill my brother one day," Lip said ruffing Hannah's hair.

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