Chapter 5 "I Don't Know Where The Fucker Went."

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The next couple of days went fine. Hannah and Jacob saw each other every night. Hannah took her pills if Ian kept her secret but today Ian didn't come home from work. Hannah walked into Mickey's room "Mickey have you seen Ian?" By this time it was one in the afternoon.
     "I don't know where the fucker went," Mickey said.
     "Ok, I'm going to go look for him you gonna keep calling and texting him?"
     "Yeah, but don't check the club I wanna do that."
     "Ok bye."
Hannah left the house walking to the first place she thought Ian would be. When she got to the abandoned building she looked on all floors and around the building. There was still no sign of Ian.
She walked to the next place she thought he'd be. She got to the Gallagher house and walked in like she lived there. She started to get worried about him. Last time he did this he ended up in jail. She walked up the steps and into Ian's room. Only Lip was sitting on Ian's bed. "Hannah what are you doing here?" he asked.
     "I'm looking for Ian I have to tell him something you've seen him?"
     "No I haven't but can you tell what you got to tell Ian?"
     "Yeah I guess I can." Hannah sat on the windowsill. What she needed to tell Ian was about Jacob and how he questioned her about the Milkovichs. It's been on her mind since he's asked. "Well I met this guy and he asked if I knew any Milkovichs I told him no because of my brother," Hannah said.
     "All you can do is tell him the truth."
     "Yeah I tell him Mickey Milkovich is my brother and he runs off he already told me they were bad news."
     "They are." Hannah hit Lip on the shoulder.
     "I wish I could be a Gallagher it'd be better than a Milkovich." Than Carl walked into the room. He climbed into the loft bed. Lip looked at Carl then at Hannah. "Oh fuck no," she said.
Mickey didn't know what to do. First, he fought with his sister now his boyfriend is gone. He drank a six-pack of beer leaving the bottles all over the house. He left his house and walked to the club Ian works at. Mickey walked in he looked around. Ian wasn't there. He walked behind to bar. "Where the fuck is Ian?" Mickey yelled at the bartender.
     "He left with some guy last night but maybe we could go in the backroom" the bartender moved closer to Mickey.
     "The fuck did you say?" Mickey yelled. He punched the bartender until he was on the floor. He kicked him a couple of times. "Ian fucking cheated on me" he yelled.
Hannah walked home. When she walked into her house she saw beer bottles everywhere. She walked into Mickey's room to yell at him. Instead, she saw Ian standing by the closet with a towel wrapped around his waist. She ran to him hugging him. He hugged her back. Ian has been stressed. Hannah being diagnosed with depression. Her secret resting on his shoulders. Mickey drinking. He couldn't take it anymore he broke down crying into Hannah's shoulder. Hannah held him tighter she knew how he felt. She felt guilty for him having to deal with Mickey and her stuff. Hannah pulled away from him "I know this isn't a good time to ask this but where have you been?"
     "I went home with some guy from the club I wasn't thinking I'm sorry" he sobbed.
     "It's ok only if you are ok."
     "I'm fine" he took a deep breath and stopped crying. Hannah walked away starting to clean up the beer bottles.
Mickey walked into the house with a twelve-pack in each hand. Hannah and Ian were sitting on the couch. "Where the fuck have you been Ian?" Mickey yelled dropping the beer. He was clearly drunk no doubt about it. "Oh, I know you fucking cheated on me" Mickey walked up to Ian. Before Ian could say anything Mickey punched him. Ian didn't try to fight back. He knew what he did to Mickey deserved a beating so he took it. With each punch, Mickey threw the weaker he got. Hannah couldn't stand there watching anymore she needed to help. She ripped Mickey off of Ian. She grabbed Ian's hand and walked out the door. Mickey stood there the two people he cared for just walked away from him. He sat back on the couch opening a beer.
Hannah and Ian walked to the Gallagher house. They walked in. "What happened?" Fiona said walking up to them. Ian has a bruise on his cheek and blood came from his mouth.
     "Mickey," Ian said softly. Fiona looked at Hannah with cold eyes. Ian saw this "it wasn't her fault" he said quickly.
     "Let's go clean you up," Hannah said walking up the steps. Ian followed her. They went to the bathroom. Ian leaned back on the sink as Hannah cleaned the blood off his mouth. "It's not your fault" she suddenly said, "he's got a lot on his mind and he's been drinking."
     Ian sighed "it is though if I didn't go with that guy this wouldn't be happening."
     "Don't take the blame go get some sleep," she said moving away so he could leave.
     "Night" Ian said as he walked away.
     "Night." Hannah thought this is her fault if she didn't tell anyone about her depression none of this would have happened.

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