Chapter 9 "Don't Make Me Fucking Say It Again."

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It was the next day. Ian and Hannah were planning on seeing Mickey at ten. It came up to be 9:30. Ian walked in his room concerned Hannah wasn't up yet. "Hannah it's 9:30 you should start to get ready if you still want to see Mickey," Ian said. Hannah really wanted to see Mickey she wanted to make things better between them.
     "Leave me alone," she said pulling the blankets closer to her head. She's never told Ian to leave her alone. Ian has seen this before he knew this. This is what was happening to him. He left her he knew it was for the best. He wondered when was the last time she took her pills. He went into the kitchen he checked how many pills were in the bottles. He figured out that Hannah hasn't taken her pills in the last three days. He went back to his room. Hannah needed to take her pills.
     "Hannah get up you need to take your pills."
     "Ian leave me alone."
     "No, you need to take your damn pills."
     "Jesus Christ Ian go away." Ian put the pills on the dresser next to the bed.
     "Well I'm going to go see Mickey." He left. If she didn't want help he wasn't going to help her. He wanted to see Mickey. He wanted to be able to hold him to kiss him. This wasn't the first time he had to see Mickey behind glass but it was still hard for him.
Hannah laid there alone. It felt like the bed was pulling her in. She pushed away her best friend all he wanted to do was help her. She made herself sit up. She saw the pills Ian left on the dresser. Carl walked in "Hey."
     "Can you hand me that gatorade?" she pointed to a half drank blue gatorade on the floor. Carl picked it up and handed it to her. She put the pills in her mouth and quickly chugged the rest of the blue liquid.
     Carl sat on the bed next to her "I heard Mickey went to jail." Hannah remembered where she was supposed to be at that moment. She would go see him tomorrow.
     "Yeah Ian went to see him he says he has a year."
     "What did he even do?"
     Hannah laughed "he beat up my ex-boyfriend." Carl smiled seeing her laugh.
     "Sounds like him."
     "Yeah put him in the hospital the little bitch pressed charges." Hannah and Carl have only been friends but Carl wanted more.
     Carl moved a little closer to Hannah "Hannah I gotta tell you something I think I love you like more than a friend." Hannah looked at him surprised.
     "Really?" Hannah didn't know what to say.
     "Let me show you." Carl pulled Hannah close to him and kissed her. Hannah kissed him back. It's like everything fell in place for Hannah. It wasn't like she was kissing Jacob. She actually felt something when she kissed Carl.
     Lip walked up to the doorway of the room "uhh." Hannah and Carl pulled away from each other. They watched Lip awkwardly walk backwards down the hall and quickly run down the stairs. Hannah and Carl laughed.
Ian sat behind glass waiting for Mickey. Mickey walked out in cuffs with two police officers behind him. One of the officers took the cuffs off of Mickey. Mickey sat down and picked up the phone. Ian did the same. "Hey," Mickey said.
     "Uh, I'm sorry."
     Ian was taken back "you are?"
     "Don't make me fucking say it again." Ian smiled. He was sorry.
     "I'm sorry too," Ian said. Ian put his hand on the glass. Mickey put his where Ian's was.
     "I love you" Mickey whispered.
     "I love you too" Ian whispered back.
     One of the officers said, "times up." Mickey stood up the officer put the cuffs back on him and they walked out the door. Ian sat there thinking this is the only way he would be able to see Mickey. Ian walked out of the jail.
     He walked into the parking lot. He reached into his pocket pulled out a cigarette and his lighter. He put the cigarette in the middle of his lips cupped his hands around it and lit it. As he was looking down he saw a trail of gas coming from a police car next to him. Ian blew smoke and squatted down. He lit the gas. He stood back and watched it burn. The trail of fire went up under the car. Ian knew what was going to happen and ran. He ran to the sidewalk on the other side of the street. He stopped and turned around. As he looked up the car exploded. Mickey heard the explosion and ran to the window. He saw what happened and smiled. He knew who did that.
Ian didn't fully realize what happened until he was on his run home. He picked up paste when he did. He needed to tell Hannah. Ian ran inside the house. Fiona was sitting on the couch but she got up when she heard the doors slam open. "Ian what's wrong?" she said stopping the redhead with a mission.
     "Nothing I gotta tell Hannah something" he tried to go around her.
     She stood in front of him "no Ian tell me."
     Ian knew there was no way to get around her "I lit a police car on fire." Fiona stood there shocked. Ian took this chance pushed around her and ran upstairs. He slammed open the door of his bedroom. Interrupting Hannah and Carl's make-out session. "Hannah I...I lit a police car on fire" Ian stuttered over his words. He didn't even realize what he walked into. Hannah stood up she saw the panic in his eyes. She didn't want to tell him it would be ok because everyone told her that and she never believed them. She wasn't mad at him she just didn't know what to tell him. She knew this was a manic episode from his bipolar. "The police they are going to come get me then I'll be stuck in jail with Mickey" Ian whispered. He started to cry. He didn't want to be in jail even if Mickey was there. Hannah saw how upset and stressed he was.
     She gave him a hug "they're not going to come for you." Ian calmed down with Hannah's words and hug. They stopped hugging.
     Ian looked up "oh I saw what was happening so don't think you guys are off the hook".
Hannah walked down the stairs to talk to Fiona. Fiona was standing in the kitchen "he needs help, Hannah."
     "No, he doesn't he's stressed he didn't know what was happening" Hannah pleaded.
     Fiona looked at Hannah like she was stupid "he needs the help what if he does it again."
     "He won't I'll help him."
     "He's yours you need to watch his every move."
     "Thanks" Hannah walked back upstairs. Fiona lied. She thought Hannah wouldn't be able to watch his every move. She picked up the phone and dialed 911.
     "Hello, that police car that was lit on fire at the jail today my bother did that." She gave the police all the information they needed to come get Ian and take him to a mental hospital.

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