Chapter 8 "I Love You Guys."

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     A couple of days later. Mickey was sleeping when he woke up to someone pounding on the front door. "Calm the fuck down I'm coming" he yelled as he walked to the door. He opened the door. Five police officers were standing outside.
"Are you Mikhailo Milkovich?" the officer closest to the door said. Mickey remembered the last time someone called him Mikhailo. It hurt him but he had to put that behind him.
"Yeah" he finally said. Then he realized why they were there. He wasn't used to people calling the cops on him. Mickey turned around and ran out the back door. He ran as fast as he could. He ended up in a dead-end alley. He had nowhere to go. The police came up to him. As much as he fought him them they were able to arrest him.
     Mickey was put in a holding cell. "Can I have my fucking phone call?" he yelled.
A girl officer came up to him "yes you can." She let him out and led him to where a phone was. He picked it up and dialed Hannah's number.
She picked up "what the fuck do you guys want?"
"Hannah it's me, Mickey."
"Hey, they catch ya."
"Yeah I may have a year but I need to see you and Ian I miss you guys." Those were the words Mickey never used.
Hannah was surprised he said it "we can come tomorrow ok."
"Yeah" Mickey lowered his voice "I love you guys."
Hannah didn't know what to say "I love you." Mickey hung up the phone. The police officer took him back to the holding cell. Mickey sat there sad. The last time he saw Ian he hurt him the last time he saw Hannah he fought with her.

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