canvases and colors

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jungguk eyes the roof access that stands just a few doors away as he waits for taehyung to unlock the door to his apartment. just a few days before he had used that door with the intention of ending his own life, and now, looking upon it again, he feels his throat tighten. a slight tug on his arm pulls his attention back to the man standing beside him. he directs a weak smile toward taehyung before walking through the open apartment door.

“are you okay, ggukie?” taehyung noticed the sudden change in the younger’s mood and it worries him. jungguk had been able to uphold constant amiable chatter on the walk from the art shop to the apartment block, laughing and smiling the whole way, but now none of that cheery mood remains.

“i’m okay, tae.” jungguk’s voice comes out as a whisper, almost inaudible.

“please don’t lie to me.” taehyung is gentle, as always, “i can tell that something’s wrong. you were fine just a second ago.”

“i’m good, just thinking.” jungguk’s voice is more clear this time. he’s determined to convince taehyung that he’s speaking the truth.

“about what?” there’s only silence in return. “are you thinking about when we met?” jungguk nods in confirmation.

“is there any specific thing about it that’s bothering you?” taehyung leads jungguk to the couch as he questions him, not knowing whether the younger will be able to address the topic without breaking down or not.

“no, just, it was really dumb, wasn’t it? i wasn’t thinking straight. it would’ve of hurt joon and yoongi, but i was too caught up in whatever the hell was in my head that i didn’t even consider what it would’ve done to them.” jungguk lets out a dry, humorless laugh. “it’s a good thing you were there, huh?”

“yeah, i’m glad i was there.” taehyung smiles at the younger. “i know we don’t know much about each other, but it’s obvious to me that you deserved to be saved. you’re a good person, ggukie, i’d hate for the the world to have to lose someone like you.”

jungguk whines, unsure of how to react to the statement. he buries his head in the older’s shoulder, embarrassed. taehyung laughs, finding the action adorable. he brings a hand up into the boy’s hair, running his fingers through the strands. jungguk hums in content at this, relaxing further into taehyung.

“hey, taehyung, did you get- oh, am i interrupting something?” the two men seated on the sofa pull apart, surprised and a bit startled at the sound of another voice. standing at the mouth of a hallway is a taller man, his hands rested on his hips, head cocked, and a smirk on his lips.

“jin! no, you’re- you’re fine. what do you need?” taehyung becomes flustered under the man’s gaze.

“i was asking if you got eggs like i asked you to.”

“oh, shit! i forgot the eggs. i’m sorry. i’ll run back out and get some.” taehyung goes to stand but is pushed back down into his seat by jin, who has made his way into the living room.

“don’t bother, i’ll get them later.” he shakes his head at his roommate, not at all surprised that the younger forgot. “now, introduce me to our guest, taehyungie.”

“this is jungguk. you spoke to him over the phone yesterday.”

“jungguk! of course.” jin steps closer to examine the boy, displaying a wide smile on his full lips. “you know, taehyungie was talking about you all day yesterday. he wouldn’t shut up about how cute you are.” taehyung tries to push jin away, desperate to get him to stop talking, cheeks flaring with color. “he thinks your voice is adorable, said that it’s the best thing he’s ever heard.” jungguk grows shy, turning away from the two older men and burying his face in the back of the couch.

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