to the end

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jungguk locks himself in the guest bedroom after picking over his dinner, his poor mood worsened. yoongi resents the fact that taehyung had been brought up earlier after his attempts to keep the man’s name out of the house the past few days. he has nothing against taehyung, if he’s honest he has to say that he’s a wonderful man, but the argument between him and jungguk at the hospital has had the blond avoiding the topic of the painter. it’s alarming to him how two people can go from laughing and joking around with each other to not speaking at all as fast as taehyung and jungguk did.

yoongi spends the evening hours sprawled out on the couch, eyes closed yet unable to relax. he needs taehyung to call. he can’t watch jungguk spiral down again, there’s only so many times a person can handle standing beside their best friend’s hospital bed. how many more attempts will there be? how long until jungguk is gone for good? before yoongi realizes it there are tears leaking through eyelids, water pouring down his cheeks. he can’t lose jungguk, not after everything they’ve gone through together. it would destroy him.

“yoongi? what’s wrong?” because of his current state the blond had failed to notice that namjoon had entered the room. he wipes his face, trying to pull himself together.

“nothing’s wrong, joon.”

“don’t lie to me.” the taller man approaches yoongi and crouches down in front of the couch. “why are you crying?”

“it’s nothing, joon,” yoongi sniffles, “go get something to eat, you must be starving.”

“i’m not eating until you tell me what’s wrong,” namjoon moves to sit beside the blond, “and don’t give me any more of that ‘nothing’s wrong’ bullshit.”

“it’s jungguk,” yoongi huffs, “he brought up taehyung earlier, made himself feel worse.”

“what did he say?” namjoon inquires.

“said he doesn’t deserve to be forgiven.” the blond slumps back. “he’s so mad at himself, joon. i don’t know what to do.” the redhead mimics the older’s posture, he’s just as clueless as yoongi is about this.

“there’s nothing we can do. we just need to keep an eye on him and hope that taehyung calls.”

“but what if he doesn’t?”

“i don’t know.”

they fall into silence, neither awkward nor comfortable, just silence. the few days that have passed since jungguk’s release have been tortuous for the two men. they’ve failed time and time again to bring the boy out of his slump but nothing works. they’re close to giving up, at this point the only thing that would help would be a phone call from taehyung. jungguk’s condition is starting to take its toll on the both of them, yoongi especially.

namjoon sits up with a groan. “is there a way for one of us to talk to taehyung? you don’t have his number, do you?”

“i don’t. kinda wish i did,” yoongi mumbles, “do you think we’d be able to get it from gguk?”

“no, don’t bother him about it.” the younger stands and makes his way toward the kitchen. “had he eaten anything today?” he calls out to the blond who’s remained unmoved.

“no. i gave him a plate of food but he only took a few bites before he went into the bedroom.”

namjoon slams the refrigerator door shut after retrieving the plate of leftovers yoongi had prepared for him. the blond jumps at the sound, startled by the younger’s action. it’s rare for namjoon to get so worked up about something. yoongi brings himself to his feet and walks to where namjoon is. the redhead is leaning against the counter, elbows propped up and head resting in his hands. he’s pulled out of his position by the older and brought into a gentle embrace.

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