
19 3 1

trigger warning

mentions of suicide attempts


jungguk lies, head in yoongi’s lap, with his eyes closed as music plays from the speakers at the side of the living room. despite his best efforts, the boy finds himself unable to sleep. it’s been this way for the past three days, a combination of the lingering pain in his head and the cruel thoughts replaying in his mind making for restless nights. his appetite has been nonexistent, only eating when namjoon and yoongi force him to. the two men haven’t let jungguk out of their sight, not wanting to take any risks with the obvious decline in the boy’s mentality.

namjoon had called jungguk’s workplace to explain the younger’s disappearance and, to their luck, the manager had been sympathetic and offered to keep the boy’s position open for when he is fit to return. the three had butted heads about jungguk’s school situation and in the end, with much reluctance from the two older men, had decided that the best thing for his health would be for him to drop out. yoongi wasn’t too fond of the idea, he had protested for far longer than namjoon did but, with some convincing, he agreed to the youngest’s wish and made the phone call.

jungguk’s parents have called him numerous times since they were informed that he dropped out but he ignores each call, not wanting to face their disappointment. they know he was hospitalized and had not hesitated to pay the bills but they’ve been kept in the dark about the circumstances surrounding the incident. his friends have been trying to get jungguk to talk to his parents and tell them everything. they find it a bit ridiculous that they haven’t even been informed of jungguk’s attempts to end his life. it had been the same with those hospitalizations; they paid the bills but weren’t told the exact reason they were paying for them.

ringing cuts through the peaceful environment and jungguk clutches at his head, the sudden loud noise not doing him any favors. yoongi picks the phone up from where it’s laying on jungguk’s chest and groans when he sees the caller id.

“gguk, it’s your dad again.” the blond hovers his finger over the answer button, “you should talk to them.”

“don’t wanna. just let it go to voicemail.” the boy rolls onto his side, burying his face in yoongi’s stomach.

“then i’ll talk to them. they deserve to know.” before jungguk can reject the proposal yoongi swipes his finger across the screen and answers the call, putting the phone on speaker. “hello?” jungguk bites the older through his shirt, earning himself a slap on the arm.

“yoongi? where’s jungguk?” the man’s voice holds a resemblance to his son’s, though his is much deeper than jungguk’s.

“he’s right here, sir. jungguk,” yoongi prods at the boy, “say hi to your dad.” the younger only whines, pressing himself further into the blond’s body. “he’s still not feeling too well, i guess he’s not up to speaking at the moment.”

“it just matters that he’s able to hear us.”

“jungguk,” the boy’s mother speaks this time, her tone soft and soothing, “we aren’t mad at you sweetheart, we just want to know what’s going on.”

“are you going to tell them or do you want me to?” yoongi looks down at jungguk, running his fingers through the younger’s hair. the only response he receives is a poke to the thigh, but it was enough to give yoongi his answer. “i’ll be explaining then. where would you like me to start?”

“from the beginning. three week-long hospital stays in three years is not normal for someone his age.” the bluntness of mr. jeon’s words don’t match the concerned tone in his voice.

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