38. Breakfast Bitches

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Jonah's p.o.v.

"Hurry the fuCK UP Daniel, if we don't get down to breakfast soon they'll start suspecting something."

I grunted at Daniel, trying to pull him out of bed. He gripped the sheets, refusing to leave. "Well maybe if you didn't always render my body useless we wouldn't hAve this problem!" He panted, holding on to the edge of the bed as I pulled on his leg.

"Y'know" he continued, "is it so much to ask to simply request to be able to WALK by the time we're done??" He asked, grunting as I finally managed to pry him from the bed.

"Well I'm sorry baby, am I too much for you to handle?" I innocently questioned, although a smirk crept across my face.

Daniel crossed his arms over his bare chest and sighed. "The injustices I have to face, and all because I'm a bottom. Well, I'll tell you one thing Jonah Marais, if you keep up all that attitude then you can say goodbye to my sweet ass" Daniel sassily stated, picking himself up from off the floor and sauntering into the shower.

I chuckled, watching Daniel leave. It was weird to hear him swear, it was something he never did. Even hearing a word as innocent as "ass" leaving his mouth was unusual.

I guess my baby's growing up. Except he's not my baby, he's just Daniel.
But that was the problem.. he wasn't. he was supposed to be "just Daniel" to me, but these days it was getting harder and harder to see what he was to me.....

And to know how I truly felt about him.

He poked his head out of the door and stuck his tongue out at me jokingly. He soon caved and giggled, unable to pretend to be mad at me any more. He was so adorable. I laughed, wanting nothing more than to walk over there and scoop him up in my arms.

Damn, that boy really was something else. There was something about him that I craved from deep within me, something I knew no one else could ever satisfy, but I forced myself to push those feelings aside.

Me and Daniel had an arrangement. A deal, and I couldn't loose sight of that. At the end of the day, me and Daniel would only ever be friends...with special benefits. And, at the end of the day, we both still had feelings for Corbyn. That's what I had to keep reminding myself.

You shouldn't have to remind yourself, Jonah...

Down at breakfast,
The boys and I were silently eating, none of us engaging in conversation. I sighed, boredom overcoming me. I pushed my food around my plate with a fork, my chin resting on my other hand.

Suddenly, an idea sprung to mind. I perked up, looking over at Daniel and smirking. Daniel was sat across from me...

perfect positioning, I thought to myself, a smirk still evident on my face.

Daniel looked up, his innocent gaze meeting my devilish smile. A curious expression of confusion played on his face.

Slowly, I raised my foot so that it would meet with his leg. He gulped, giving me a death warning from across the table. This only encouraged me to go on. Witholding laughter, I went higher and higher up his leg, unti-

He choked, abruptly dropping his fork and letting it crash on his plate. The loud clatter resulted in all the boys turning to face him. I played along, looking at him with a worried expression along with the rest of the boys, acting as if I wasn't the cause of Daniel's little moment.

"You ok, Daniel?" I asked innocently. Daniel shot me a death glare. "Fine thank you" he muttered, a hint of bitterness in his tone. He picked up his fork, nodding at the guys to indicate he was ok, wanting desperately to move on and not have the whole table staring at him.

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