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"Okay, who am I doing this signing with?" Lara asked her PR manager, Alison.

Alison scanned the clipboard she was holding, "Chase Elliott."

Her stomach dropped, "After this, I don't want to do any more events with Chase."

"But your grandfather said --" Alison started.

"You'll make it happen," Lara told her firmly. She had a feeling that things were going to spiral and she wanted to be as far from Chase in the aftermath.

"I'll do my best," Alison promised.

"Your best better be what I want," Lara snapped back, annoyance creeping over her. Switching events really shouldn't be that hard. "Switch events around so I'm with William or Alex instead."

Alison didn't say anything, just nodded weakly as she typed on her phone.

Lara scanned the room, tensing at Chase already sitting at the table. She took a deep breath, hoping that he would just leave her alone.

"Hey," Her hopes were dashed as soon as she sat down next to him. "Can we talk real quick?"

She shook her head, "I have nothing to say to you right now."

Chase shrugged, "Good thing we've been paired up for fan and media things all day."

She shook her head, "We'll see about that."

"Why won't you talk to me?" He hissed.

She shot him a pointed look, "Because you're accusing me of something dumb. It's only a problem because you made it a problem, Chase and honestly I don't think I'm obligated to fix it.

"Would you be okay if the tables were turned?" He asked.

She shrugged, "Honestly Chase, I don't give a damn what you do, I didn't think this relationship was that serious, goddamn."

Chase didn't have time to respond as the fans approached with excited smiles for the autographs.

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"Did you switch my schedule around?" Lara asked Alison as they walked from the fan center to the studio.

Alison nodded, "You're with William the rest of the day. But your grandfather isn't happy."

Lara shrugged, "He'll get over it."

"Lara Riddick," her grandfather boomed as they entered the studio. "I need to have a word."

Lara winced, approaching her grandfather, "Yes?" She asked as if she didn't know what he wanted to talk about with her.

"Why did you make your PR switch your schedule?" He didn't waste any time getting to the point.

She shrugged, "I don't really like Chase."

"You don't have to like him. But it looks good to have Hendrick's two brightest stars together." He reminded her.

"If this had been Chase, you wouldn't have said a word," She pointed out.

Her grandfather opened his mouth to protest but closed it. Lara puffed her chest slightly, knowing that she had won. She turned, back to the seat next to William.

"Hey," She greeted. She hadn't gotten a chance to talk to him yet. "I'm Lara, I don't think we've actually met."

He nodded, "William. You don't like Chase?" He asked, cocking his eyebrow, "That's why my PR person said."

Her face heated up, instinctively biting her lip as she chose her words, "Yeah, it's a long story."

William nodded again, "Gotcha. Ready for this interview?"

Before she could answer, the reporter strolled over, a large smile on her face, "We're going to have Lara first."

"Good luck," William whispered as Lara strolled to the stage.

"Alright. We're going to be live in 3...2...1..." The producer called as Lara sat down.

"And we're back with Lara Hendrick," The reporter smiled in the camera. "Lara, how are you feeling coming into Daytona."

"I'm excited, of course, but nervous." She answered, using one of the answers that Alison had supplied her. "But the Ally Chevy is strong, thanks to all of the hard work from our team."

The reporter nodded, "What is it like, continuing a legacy of a father that you never met?" She leaned forward, waiting for Lara's response.

Lara's eyes widened. She should have expected this question to come up but she had felt thrown off by the question anyway, "I don't really think about it that way. I just see myself as a racer, I don't really feel like I'm continuing my father's legacy or even my grandfathers. I'd like to think I'm forging my own legacy here." She shrugged, hoping that answer was good enough.

"Do you have any plans to transition to the business side of things and take HMS over like your dad had planned to?" She followed up. "I know you're young, but your grandfather isn't getting any younger and he'd probably like to retire."

"I mean, I am young. I'm only 20. We haven't really talked about it so I guess I don't have any answer to that."

The reporter looked a little disappointed that Lara hadn't given her a headlining answer either away. "Lara Hendrick everybody."

"And we're off." The director called out. "Thanks, Lara."

She nodded, "No problem." She stepped off the stage, grateful that it was over. She hated interviews, hated that the only questions she received were either about her being a woman or about the Hendrick legacy.

Her phone buzzed as Alison handed it back to her.


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