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Lara quickly found her voice, "I distinctly remember telling you to fuck off so no you weren't invited." She stood up, trying to push past Chase. She was so angry that he had the nerve to show up, the nerve to be angry that they had gone out without him.

"Wait," He grabbed her arm a little too tightly for Lara's comfort, "Let me explain."

"Get your goddamn hand off me before I scream." She kept her tone low and even. Chase quickly released her arm. She turned to him, so close that their chests were nearly touching, "I am done with you. If you know what's good for you, you'll leave me the hell alone."

She brushed past Chase. This time he didn't try and grab her or ask her to stay and hear her out, he just watched as she walked away with Ryan in tow.

Lara made it to the Bronco, fidgeting as Ryan unlocked it before she climbed in. She buckled her seatbelt as Ryan pulled out of the parking lot. Lara's eyes connected with Chase's who had just stepped outside. She shook her head before looking out the window.

She watched as Ryan missed the turn for the track, "Where are we going?" She asked.

"You'll see." Ryan kept his eyes trained on the road, "Are you really done with Chase?"

She shrugged, "I don't know. I thought I was done with him once this week but then we ended up being okay. But this time I'm not sure how to get over what he said. He said that on national television and now all eyes are on us both. Kinda the opposite of what you want when you're in a secret relationship." She let a bitter laugh escape her lips. "I'm an idiot for ever thinking this would work and I'd end up happy."

Ryan nodded slowly, never taking his eyes off of the road. "I have a lot of racing advice but you're on your own with relationships."

"Why?" She asked, turning to him, suddenly curious, "Is it because Chase is your best friend?"

He shook his head, "I have a really bad track record when it comes to women. Hell, I have a hard time getting a second date most of the time."

Lara shook her head, "I don't believe that for a second. You're such a nice guy and successful, girls probably fawn over you."

Ryan laughed, "Not when your best friend is Chase Elliott. I don't mind. I figure I'll find somebody when I'm meant to... or maybe I already have." He mumbled the last part under his breath but Lara heard it.

"What do you mean, already have? Who is it?" Lara asked, thankful to talk about somebody that wasn't Chase.

He shook his head, "I'm not telling you."

"Come on, Ry," She pleaded, "Do I at least know her."

He shrugged, "I'd assume so."

"Why don't you ask her out?" Lara suggested as Ryan pulled up to a quiet beach.

"Because," Ryan killed the engine, "She's seeing someone else already."

She groaned, "Ry, why are you pining after someone who isn't available?"

"Do you think I want to?" He snapped before softening his face, "Sorry. It's just, I meant to ask her out when we got to Daytona and then I find out she's got a boyfriend who doesn't treat her like he should." He shrugged, "Can we not talk about my pathetic love life?"

She nodded slowly, knowing that she had pushed him a little too far and had hit a raw nerve. Ryan was her only friend and she didn't want to upset him. "Why are we at the beach?"

Ryan cracked a small smile, "I have this feeling that you never made it to the beach."

"You're right," She sighed, "I was so wrapped up in everything."

"I think if you had any other job, they'd call you a workaholic," Ryan chuckled as he climbed out of his Bronco. "We missed the sunset but it's a clear night so we can see the stars."

Lara followed suit, climbing out of the Bronco. "It's been a long time since I've looked up at the stars."

Ryan spread a checkered blanket on the sand, lying down. Lara laid next to him, and they stared at the stars in silence. Lara's mind drifted off to what Ryan had said about the girl, the one who had a boyfriend that didn't treat her right. She entertained the idea that he was talking about her for a moment but quickly shook it off, there was no way. She was just an annoying rookie that he had accidentally taken under his wing, nothing more.

She turned to say something to Ryan, but her breath hitched as she realized their faces were close enough that she could kiss him. Her heart pounded as they stared at each other, playing some type of chicken, seeing who would move first.

Ryan moved, brushing his lips against hers. Electricity pulsed through her, she wanted more. She leaned in for a second kiss but Ryan had pulled away far enough that she had missed, the feeling of disappointment reverberating in her stomach.

Their eyes locked but neither of them said anything. Lara's head was spinning at what had happened but there was only one clear thought running through her head.

Was she with the wrong guy?

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Can't Help Falling in Love {Ryan Blaney}✔️Where stories live. Discover now