| twenty-three |

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I would suggest watching the video attached, otherwise, the beginning of this chapter might not make sense.

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A few weeks later

"And joining us in the media center, we have Lara Hendrick, driver of the Ally forty-eight Chevrolet. Lara, to start us off, why don't you tell us how you're going to prepare for your first Cup start at Bristol."

    Lara winced at what she was about to do. Ryan had presented her with a dare and Lara couldn't turn it down. "Well, you know, the track almost feels like velvet so it's trying to find grip, you know? I'm not sure how I'm going to prepare besides eating some red velvet cake since it's my first time here." Lara looked up at the rafters of the media center, trying to keep a straight face.

    "Alright. Please state your name and affiliation before you ask the question. We'll start with Bob." The announcer droned.

    "Lara, do you want to clue us in on your rivalry with Chase?" The reporter asked.

    Lara looked to the back of the room, her eyes meeting Ryan's, "I mean, I think it's pretty self-explanatory. I really wish this wasn't the only question I get asked." She chewed on her lip. She hadn't spoken to Chase since she had shoved him in Victory Lane. They had both made it a point to avoid each other on and off the track but the media had been relentless.

    "But how did it start?" The reporter pressed.

    Lara took a deep breath, hoping that she could keep a straight face, "Well let me tell you a little story, it all started at Ryan Blaney's birthday party when we were kids. Chase thought it'd be funny to get dirt on my purple velvet dress and I guess the rest is history. That and I've heard he doesn't like red velvet cake which I just take offense to."

    Everybody shifted in their seats, trying to bite back the laughter. Lara looked back up at Ryan, his face red from trying to hold in his laughter.

    "Lara, did you lose a bet?" The next reporter asked.

    Lara blinked innocently, "What are you talking about? Do you have any real questions for me, or not?"

    The reporter shifted, "Tell us a little bit about how your relationship with your grandfather has changed now that he's your boss."

    Lara shrugged, "I mean, he's kind of always been my boss. Now I just buy my own velvet sheets." She paused, "I don't think anything has really changed. I've always had the deepest respect for him and that hasn't changed." While their relationship was still a little icy, they had had meaningful conversations and they both had been able to put what had been said behind them, which was a relief.

    "One last question," The announcer searched the room before picking Ryan.

    "So out of all of the velvets, what type is your favorite?" Ryan asked, barely keeping a straight face.

    "The red type is my favorite," Lara answered. Ryan doubled over in laughter and any hope Lara had of keeping a straight face disappeared as she started to laugh too.

    "Thank you, Lara." The announcer interrupted. Lara set down her microphone, making her way to the back towards Ryan.

    "Maybe they'll talk about that instead of me and Chase." Lara laughed as she and Ryan walked out of the media center.

    "You were perfect." Ryan laughed. "I don't know how you kept a straight face."

    Lara shrugged, "I honestly have no clue. Just trying to be better than you at it."

    Ryan shot her a pointed look before a smile spread across his face. "Well, I think you probably succeeded." He shoved his hands in the pocket as they walked towards the motorhome.

    "Hey, Lara!" Somebody called from behind her. "Can I have a minute to ask a question?"

    Lara turned, recognizing the reporter. "I'll meet you back at the motorhome." She told Ryan before walking toward the reporter, "What can I do for you?"

    "You and Blaney? Is there something going on there?" The reporter asked, cutting right to the chase.

    Lara opened her mouth before shutting it because she honestly didn't know the answer to that. Did they spend almost every waking moment together? Yes. But was most of that time either at the track or working on Hank's Happy Golf? Also yes. "We're just friends," She answered with a smile.

    "Just friends?" The reporter repeated, a knowing smile. "Off the record, I see how he looks at you. You won't be just friends for long. I'll catch you later."

    Lara stood there for a moment, trying to digest what the reporter had just said. Sure, her feelings for him had grown throughout the time spent together but Ryan? Lara was certain that to him, she was just the arrogant rookie who was now his business partner.

    Lara let out a sigh as she made the walk to Ryan's motorhome. Even though she and her grandfather were on good terms, he had never asked her to stay with him again so as long as Ryan didn't kick her out, she was going to stay with him.

    "What did the reporter want?" Ryan asked as Lara stepped into the motorhome.

    "She wanted to know if there was anything going on between us." Lara shrugged, plopping on the sofa next to him.

    "What'd you say?" Ryan's brow furrowed as he waited for Lara to answer.

    She shrugged again, "I told her that we just friends. That's what we are, right?"

    "If that's what you want to be," Ryan muttered under his breath. His eyes widened when he realized Lara had heard him. "I need to get ready for qualifying."

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