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"As you can see or maybe not if you're listening but we have a special guest today. Lara Hendrick is here!" Ryan spoke into the microphone. "It's good to have you on." He smiled at her.

Lara leaned into the microphone, "Thanks for having me." She gave Ryan a nervous smile. Even though she had always wanted to be on the podcast, now that she was sitting in the studio, she couldn't help but feel intimidated.

"So Lara," Kim started. "I feel like there is so much to talk about with you. First off, how are you feeling?"

Lara shrugged, "I'm feeling better. The doctors said I had to wait at least more two weeks but after that time is up, I'll be good to go. It was just a minor procedure, I just have to let myself heal before I get back into the car."

Kim nodded, quickly moving on. Relief washing over Lara, she had been so nervous that the reason behind her operation would be pressed and speculated about, rumors escalating but thankfully people had been respectful. "So you and Chase? I know you've both been super tight-lipped about what happened but can you please give the inside scoop?"

Lara laughed, shifting, "I mean, he said some things about me on national tv that I really didn't appreciate and it just kind of escalated from there?" She offered but she could tell by the look on Kim's face that she wasn't impressed. "I don't think there's a big scoop for you, it was just two intense people clashing and they just happened to have Elliott and Hendrick as last names." Lara shrugged. Of course, there was a big scoop but she wasn't going to announce to everybody that she and Chase had been a couple and the rivalry was a by-product of their relationship going down in flames.

"But you're good now, right?" Ryan swooped in before Kim could question any further.

"Right." Lara nodded, thanking Ryan with a look. "We've talked and I think we're okay now." They hadn't talked since their conversation in the hospital but Lara had planned on talking to him once she had gotten to the track this weekend. She was nervous about that -- nervous that Chase had only agreed to be friends at that moment but she knew the only way to kill the rumors between them was for them to be seen together as friends.

Kim nodded slowly, a small pout on her face as she changed the subject. Lara sat back, watching as Ryan, Chuck and Kim talked together, laughing at each other. She couldn't help but smile at Ryan, he was at ease, something that hadn't happened much over the last week.

Lara could tell the stress of Hank's was starting to get to Ryan -- they were starting to look at designing the go-cart track, redesigning the golf course, as well as getting estimates for the rest of the renovation work they had planned on. Lara felt guilty -- even though they had hired somebody to help them navigate this, she had insisted on designing everything, the decisions theirs. Add that in with the fact that Ryan hadn't had a great weekend at the track and things had been tense between them before they had walked into the studio.

"So word around town is that you, Ryan and you, Lara are business owners now." Chuck's voice pulled Lara out of her thoughts.

Ryan looked over, giving Lara's hand a squeeze under the table. "Yeah, we bought Hank's Happy Golf." He answered, smiling at Lara. Butterflies erupted in Lara's stomach at his smile.

"Now, just how did you guys come to own Hank's Happy Golf?" Chuck followed up.

Ryan smile never dimmed as she started to talk, "My grandpa and Hank are best friends so I grew up going there. It was always my favorite place to go and I've always known that I wanted to buy it from Hank when he was ready to retire so when the time came, Ryan graciously offered to be my business partner, so we've been working on that."

"And what are your plans for it?" Kim asked, her eyes flicking between her and Ryan, that question clearly not the one that she wanted to ask.

"We're going to add in an arcade, a go-cart track and update the mini-golf course. Although I'm reluctant to change the golf course because I kick everybody's asses on it." Lara smirked at Ryan.

"Everybody?" Kim asked. "Who have you golfed against."

"Just Ryan and Chase," She winced at Chase's name and Ryan's eyes widening a little.

"Chase, huh? So at some point, you were friends?" Kim cocked an eyebrow, her eyes sparkling triumphantly.

Lara shrugged, "Like I said, the rivalry was a byproduct of two intense people who can't keep their mouths shut clashing."

Ryan chuckled, "Isn't that the truth?" Lara shot him a glare which turned his chuckle into a full-blown laugh.

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"Did you have fun?" Ryan asked as they walked towards the parking lot.

Lara nodded, "Yeah, I think I did pretty good too."

Ryan grabbed her hand, squeezing. "So are we going to be public? I could tell Kim was suspicious..." His voice trailed off as he studied Lara's face, waiting for her reaction.

She shrugged, "I mean, I'm not sure there's much to tell." She cast a sideways look. They hadn't really discussed anything, much less making anything official. They had just fallen together, picked up life together. Sure, they were a couple, there was no doubt but as far as titles or telling anybody? "It's not like we're official."

Ryan ducked his head, his brow furrowed, "Right." He chewed on his lip for a moment, "Lara, will you be my girlfriend?"

Lara stopped walking, giving Ryan an amused look, "You did not just ask me to be your girlfriend in a parking lot, did you?"

Ryan's cheeks flushed red, "Right. Sorry. Let me take you out tonight?" He suggested, his eyes hopeful.

Lara nodded, "You'll have to pick me up from my grandfather's."

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