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"If I win, I get to tweet whatever I want from your account," Ryan smirked as they strapped into their go-carts.

"And if I win?" Lara prompted. She had been surprised when Ryan had pulled up to a go-cart complex but he had written it off as research for the course they would eventually design. She was thankful that she didn't have to stare at those papers anymore, trying to make sense of all the codes and licenses they would need.

Ryan shrugged, "I'll let you tweet whatever you want from my account?" He offered.

Lara shook her head, "If I win, I want to be on your podcast."

Ryan grinned, "Deal."

They started up their go-carts. Since it was a Wednesday afternoon and school hadn't been let out for the summer yet, they were the only two on the course.

"Alright." The man who ran the course spoke over the low rumble. "This is going to be a 20 lap shootout. If you look to your left there is a monitor that will let you know what lap you're on. Be safe and have fun. Standby for green." The man ceremoniously picked up a green flag. As soon as he waved it, both Ryan and Lara hit the gas, racing forward.

Game on.

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The white flag waved in the air. Lara tightened the grip on her steering wheel. She had spent the entire race behind Ryan and now she was ready to make her move to win.

They cleared a turn, Lara diving down to the bottom but Ryan had anticipated her move, blocking her. She quickly reassessed, the finish line looming. She faked up and once Ryan slid up the track to block her again, she dove down to the bottom, jerking her wheel down fast.

They were side by side, coming down the last straightaway. Lara gave the car as much gas as she could, hoping that she could pull in front of Ryan. But she was a couple of inches short as they crossed the finish line.

"Damn." She muttered, watching Ryan fist pump in celebration.

Ryan's face was smug as they pulled their cars back into the corral. Lara braced herself for the bragging.

Before he could say anything, the man spoke, "Do you want a picture in Victory Lane?"

"Hell yes." Ryan's smug face turned into a grin as he unbuckled himself. "Come on Lara."

Lara finished unbuckling herself, standing up and following the man and Ryan to a little victory lane set up with a trophy in the center. She hung back as Ryan handed his phone to the man, displaying a number one and smiling as the man snapped a couple of pictures.

"Lara!" Ryan motioned for her to stand next to her. She reluctantly moved to stand next to him. "Put up a two," He instructed, chuckling at himself.

Lara shook her head, displaying two fingers, turning her lips down into a frown. She hated losing at anything but seeing Ryan's grin and his all-around giddiness almost made her hate it a little less. Almost.

"Thank you." Ryan smiled at the man as he took back his phone.

"No, thank you. That was the best racing I've seen here in a while. You two are welcome back anytime." With a small wave, the man was gone.

"Phone." Ryan held out his hand as they walked back to the Bronco.

Lara sighed, "I hope you remember the password you set for me. I'm ready to have my Twitter back."

Ryan nodded as Lara set her phone in his hand. "You can't delete what I type."

Lara rolled her eyes, "I know."

Ryan typed something, pressing the tweet button with a satisfied grin. "There." He handed the phone back.

Lara looked down at the tweet that Ryan had posted.

.@blaney is always right and I'm always wrong.

"Very funny." Lara shoved Ryan as she slid her phone back into her pocket. "You could've said anything and that's what you chose?"

"I could've said so much worse." Ryan reminded her. "Maybe I should've said something about Chase?" He cocked his eyebrow, waiting for her response.

"Touché," Lara muttered.

"I had a lot of fun today," Ryan shifted nervously as he unlocked the Bronco. "And not just because I won."

"I'm sure that was most of it," She teased as they slid into the truck.

Ryan shook his head, "I really like spending time with you, Lara."

"What do you mean?" Lara questioned.

Ryan shrugged, "I've never met anybody like you before, Lara."

Lara opened her mouth to question further but Ryan had turned the radio up. She took the hint, staring out the window as he drove.

She had had a great day, the best one that she could remember. When she was around Ryan, everything was effortless. He knew exactly who she was, he had witnessed her faults and he had never tried to change or question her, he had just accepted her for her, always there to offer gentle guidance.

He was perfect, too perfect for her. She knew she was falling, it was hard not to when Ryan smiled at her the way he smiled at her, a smile that made her head spin, her knees weak.

She couldn't fall for him. She had a tendency to screw things up and there was too much at stake. But for a moment she allowed herself to wonder what it would be like if she took the chance on the one she shouldn't and all she could see was happiness, a white wedding, babies and a business they'd devote their time to long after their racing careers were over.

She shook those thoughts out of her head, it was nonsensical, a daydream, completely crazy. But when she snuck a peek over at Ryan, his head bopping in time with the music, she couldn't help but wonder if it was really that crazy after all.

Can't Help Falling in Love {Ryan Blaney}✔️Where stories live. Discover now