| thirty-one |

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Lara stared at the clock, fidgeting with her hands. Ryan would be here any moment and her stomach was starting to churn. She wasn't sure why she was so nervous-- it was Ryan after all. There would be no awkward getting to know each other, no forced small talk. No matter what they did, Lara knew she would have fun, but her stomach was still churning. Part of her worried that Ryan would back out on asking her to be his girlfriend, that he would finally come to his senses and realize that he was better off without her.

    "Nervous?" Her grandfather asked, plopping next to her.

    Lara looked up, nodding slowly. "We're supposed to make things official today but I'm nervous that he's going to back out."

    Rick listened intently, "I don't think that will happen. Now tell me, what is your plan as far as what to tell the media?"

    Lara felt the tips of her ears heat up, "I mean, we haven't really decided. I'd like to think it wouldn't be a big deal. But I guess I haven't really thought about it."

"Everything you do will be a big deal," Rick reminded her softly.

She nodded, knowing he was right. "We'll probably just keep it to ourselves." They sat in a comfortable silence until the doorbell rang.

Rick sprang up from his seat, "I'll get it." A mischievous smile spread across his face as he made his way to the door with Lara hot on his heels. His hand was on the door handle but he paused, "Ready?" He asked Lara.

Lara nodded, "Please don't be embarrassing." She pleaded.

Rick tossed a cool smile behind him before he opened the door a crack, pressing his face in the crack, "Sorry son, we don't allow people who drive Fords in this house and I certainly don't allow them to date my granddaughter."

Lara stifled a laugh at the wide-eyed look on Ryan's face. His face turned a deep shade of crimson as he tried to find something to say to her grandfather but all that came out was "Oh... um..."

Rick's shoulders started to shake with laughter as he widened the door. A smile spread on Ryan's face as he caught a glimpse of Lara. "Hey." He shoved his hands in his pockets, his aquamarine eyes locked on her as if Rick had disappeared completely.

Lara stepped forward, planting a kiss on her grandfather's cheek. "We'll be back." Her grandfather hummed in response as she brushed past him to Ryan.

Lara slipped her hand into his as they walked down the bricked path to his Bronco.

"He wasn't serious, was he?" Ryan asked once they were a safe distance from the house.

Lara shot him an amused look but softened once she saw the worried expression on his face. "He was completely kidding."

Ryan let out a breath of relief, "Oh good."

"So where are we going?" Lara asked as she climbed into the Bronco.

"You'll see," Ryan grinned as the engine rumbled to life. He turned on the radio, loud enough that she knew it was his cue to not question him further.

They sang to the radio, Lara's hand intertwined with Ryan's. Every once in a while, Ryan would glance over with a grin on his face that would send butterflies through her.

If there was any doubt about how Ryan felt about her, it had been erased and forgotten. He was hers, no doubt about it.

The car slowed to a stop and Lara looked up, trying to figure out where she was. "Top Golf?" Lara raised an eyebrow as Ryan killed the engine, the cab quiet.

"We're going to see if your mini-golf skills translate into regular golf," Ryan smirked.

"This wasn't what I was expecting at all," Lara confessed, "But in a good way," She reassured Ryan.

Ryan shrugged, "I didn't think you were much of a fancy dinner type of person. Plus I will take any chance I get to kick your ass at something."

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"I still can't believe you beat me," Ryan grumbled as they walked down a city sidewalk.

Lara grinned, "Eight years of golf lessons definitely paid off." She laughed as Ryan whipped his head towards her in surprise.

"You took eight years of golf lessons?" He repeated. "And you couldn't bother to mention it?"

Lara shrugged, "I didn't think it was important. But I did thoroughly enjoy kicking your ass..." her voice trailed off for a second before she added. "Again."

"Ha ha," Ryan fake laughed, squeezing her hand and pulling her into him. "There's a lot that I don't know about you, isn't there?"

Lara shrugged, "I mean, you know way more than anybody else besides my grandfather. But I guess so. Once upon a time, there was more to me than just being a NASCAR driver."

"Well, I'd like to get to know that part of you." Ryan grinned sweetly at her, "But eight years of golf? What possessed you?"

Lara shrugged, "I thought if racing didn't work out, I could be a professional golfer."

Ryan chuckled, "You are something else, Lara."

Lara flashed a smile and they continued to walk in silence, a pang of panic starting to set in. She had been waiting for Ryan to ask the question, to make things official. But he hadn't and the intrusive thoughts had started, maybe she had said something wrong or had worn the wrong outfit or maybe --

Ryan stopped on a small wooden bridge overlooking the water, pulling her out of her thoughts. He leaned against the rail, looking out to the water. Lara did the same, their shoulders touching.

    "I figured I should probably find someplace better than a parking lot so I hope this will do." Ryan turned to Lara. "Lara Riddick Hendrick, will you be my girlfriend?"

    A grin spread across her face. "Of course."

    As Ryan leaned in for a kiss, Lara didn't think or worry about anything else but the fact that she was utterly and completely in love with Ryan Blaney.

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i'd like to thank y'all for your patience. moving killed any bit of momentum i had for this story so it's taken a bit to get that back!

as this story quickly approaches the end, i'm curious to know what drivers you would like to see me write about next? 🤔

Can't Help Falling in Love {Ryan Blaney}✔️Where stories live. Discover now