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    "Hey," Lara greeted Ryan as she slid into the booth across from him. Lara knew that coming to lunch with Ryan probably wouldn't help things with Chase but she wasn't going to let Chase dictate who she could or couldn't see.

    Ryan's face lit up, "Hey. How's it going?"

    Lara smiled at her friend, "It's going. I have to be at the track in like an hour and a half for another signing. Busy day today." She shifted nervously, waiting for Ryan to bring up the night before.

    "Have you had a chance to talk to Chase today?" Ryan asked nonchalantly as his eyes dipped down as he scanned the menu. "He was pretty pissed last night but he wouldn't say why."

    "You didn't hear our argument?" Lara asked, ignoring Ryan's question. The thought of Ryan possibly defending Chase.

    Ryan shook his head, "I had just gotten to the door when you opened it. What's going on?" His face scanned Lara's, looking for a clue as to what had gone on between her and Chase.

    Lara let out a breath of relief. She was so afraid that her admission of feelings that she had last season would ruin their budding friendship. "He's jealous."

    Ryan narrowed his eyes, "Of what?"

    "Us going to lunch," Lara replied.

    Ryan rolled his eyes, "I invited him both yesterday and today." He let out a low whistle, "I forgot how much I hate Chase when he's dating someone."

    Lara frowned, confused as to what Ryan meant, "What do you mean?"

    Ryan shrugged, "He changes."

    She nodded, he had changed. The entire offseason he had been so laid back and charming but in an instant, he wasn't and Lara wasn't sure how to reconcile that. "I don't know what to do."

    He shrugged again, his eyes still on the menu, "Give him time to cool off. He'll settle down eventually."

    "I don't think these lunches are probably helping," Lara pointed out.

    Ryan's eyes lifted up to meet hers, "Do you want to stop? I was hoping we could turn it into some type of tradition or something."

    "Why?" Lara asked, "I mean it wasn't like we hung out much last season."

    Ryan smiled, "What better way to get to know you then?"

    Lara fought back a smile, not sure what to think of that statement. A small piece of her was reverting back to the giddy schoolgirl crush that she had on Ryan last season but she quickly shook it off. Before she could say anything, someone cleared their throat.

    Lara looked up, her eyes widening at Chase. "Hey," She whispered, her heart pounding, chest tightening at the anxious anticipation of the scene that Chase was about to make.

    "Mind if I sit?" Chase asked. Lara nodded, scooting over so Chase could sit next to her.

    "Glad you could join us, buddy," Ryan's voice was warm, inviting.

    Chase shrugged, "Sure." His voice was still sharp, clearly unhappy.

    "We were just talking about making lunch a thing. Find all the best little diners at each track. It would be fun," Lara squeezed Chase's forearm. She had made up the last part but she hoped that it would be enough to persuade Chase that nothing was happening between her and Ryan.

    Chase relaxed a little, "I do love a good burger."

    Lara was relieved, hoping that this would be the end of this argument.

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    "Can we talk?" Chase caught up to Lara right before she had opened the door to their motorhome.

    She nodded. Lunch had gone well, Chase relaxing back to the way he had been in the offseason. "What's up?" She stepped closer to him.

    "Chase, my boy." Rick's voice boomed, "To what do I owe this pleasure?" Rick stopped next to them.

    Chase shoved his hands in his pockets, exchanging a look with Lara that set her heart pounding, butterflies thrashing around her stomach, "Just stopped by to say hi and see if Lara wanted to come hang out, a big group of us are having a bonfire."

    Rick smiled, turning to Lara, "Don't stay out too late, okay?"

    She nodded, "I'll see you later." She leaned up and kissed his cheek before brushing past him.

Chase and Lara waited for Rick to make it safely into the motorhome before letting out a laugh, "Let's go," Chase grabbed her hand, pulling her to another row of motorhomes, out of sight.

"That was close," Lara laughed, leaning against one of the motorhomes. Chase hovered over her, hands falling to her hips. He leaned in, placing his lips onto hers, a sweet kiss that was quickly deepened.

Lara pulled away, "We're going to get caught." She murmured. "We should probably get to the bonfire."

Chase chuckled, "There is no bonfire."

"Oh. What are we going to do then?" She asked, cocking an eyebrow at Chase.

Chase took her hand, squeezing it before placing a kiss on her forehead, "I was thinking we could just stay in and watch a movie."

Lara smiled, "That sounds perfect."

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A little shameless self-promo: I have a second story up, this time a Chase Elliott story. I think y'all will like it!

Can't Help Falling in Love {Ryan Blaney}✔️Where stories live. Discover now