| twenty-one |

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Lara studied the papers in front of her, her head starting to spin. She thought that she had had a good grasp on how to run a business but it hadn't taken her long to realize that what she had learned in her business classes had only begun to scratch the surface.

Ryan had initially suggested that they hire somebody to help them navigate everything. Arrogantly, Lara had shrugged him off, reassuring him that she could handle it. But the more she read, the more she realized that he was right.

The door to the office opened. Lara didn't bother to look up, she knew that it was Ryan returning with lunch, "You know Ry, I think it might be in our best interest to hire somebody with more experience. I don't want to screw this up." A throat cleared, causing Lara to look up. "Oh." She muttered, her stomach churning at the sight of her grandfather standing in the door.

"Can I sit?" He asked, motioning to the chair on the opposite side of the desk.

Lara nodded apprehensively, finding the irony that their roles had reversed, that she was the one behind the desk. "What can I do for you?" She asked, setting her pen down. She knew what he wanted, thanks to the various voicemails he had left her, asking her to reconsider what she had said in his office.

"You know you signed a contract, right?" Her grandfather started. Lara could tell he was trying to mask his anger. "You really can't just quit."

Lara shrugged, "I can just not show up to the track." She chewed on the inside of her cheek, regretting that statement. She wanted to race but she was also too stubborn to admit that, admit that quitting had probably been the most impulsive and dumb thing she had ever done and that was saying a lot.

Rick let out a frustrated sigh, "Are you really going to make me call your bluff?"

Lara drooped a little. She knew there was no way that she would not show up to the race if there wasn't a replacement for her. That would hurt her team and Lara knew that she couldn't do that. "No." She muttered. "I'll be there."

Rick nodded and they sat in silence for a moment before he spoke again, "I shouldn't have said what I said to you the other day."

"You weren't wrong." She murmured. "I'm sorry. For all of it. I screwed up." She shifted some papers, not really sure what else to say. She wasn't sure if her grandfather wanted her to grovel for his forgiveness but she wasn't going to do that, her pride was far too big for that. "Is there anything else?"

Rick shook his head, standing up. "I'll see you at the track."

"Alright." Lara murmured, watching him leave. Once he was gone, she buried her face in her hands. She hated how things had turned out, the mess she had made. But there wasn't anything that she could do, or at least that she was willing to do.

"Everything okay?" Ryan asked, dropping a bag of food in front of her.

"Yeah. Rick came by to remind me that I'm still under contract." Lara grumbled, pulling a sandwich out of the bag. "Speaking of, do you mind if I crash in your motorhome this weekend?"

Ryan nodded, "You're always welcome. It'll be fun." Ryan paused, "So what're you going to do about this rivalry storyline the media is pushing?"

Lara shrugged, "Ignore it and hope it goes away?"

Ryan snorted slightly as he bit into his sandwich, "You know, I'm pretty sure that's not how that works."

"What do you think I should do?" Lara asked after she had finished her sandwich.

Ryan shrugged, "I'm not sure. If there's one thing Chase is good at, it's holding a grudge."

"So basically I'm screwed," Lara muttered as she pulled out a fry carton from the bag. "Great." She wasn't sure what would happen at Bristol but she knew it would probably be in the best interest if she stayed far away from Chase.

"Anyway," Ryan changed the subject, "What do you think of those papers? Is it doable?"

Lara sighed, "You're ri--" She stopped before she finished the sentence, Ryan's face already smug. "I think we should hire somebody like you suggested."

"No, no, what were you going to say?" Ryan grinned, "Finish your sentence."

Lara couldn't help but grin back at him. "You know I'm not going to do that."

Ryan leaned forward, swiping her fry carton. "No more fries for you until you finish that sentence."

Lara forced her lips into a pout for a moment, before launching herself out of her chair, taking two quick steps towards Ryan who had stood up in anticipation. She reached out to grab the fries but stumbled right into Ryan's chest.

"Sorry," She looked up, her blue eyes mixing with his. Her heart pounded at their proximity. All she had to do was lean forward and her lips would be on his and at that moment, that was the only thing on her mind. She shook that thought, that desire out of her mind. He was her business partner now and she couldn't ruin it, there was too much at stake.

Ryan's eyes were clouded as he studied her. "Do you want your fries back?" He asked after a moment.

Lara nodded, "Please." She even batted her eyelashes for good measure.

"Finish the sentence. Ryan, you were --" He paused, his eyes sparkling.

Lara didn't say anything, instead, she leaned, trying to grab the carton from Ryan. She failed but found herself pressed up against him even further, now his arm wrapped around her waist.

 Ryan looked down, moving like he was going to kiss her. Lara's heart pounded, trying to diffuse the situation.

In a quick movement, Lara grabbed the fry carton from Ryan. She sauntered away as she shoved fries into her mouth triumphantly, sitting back in her desk chair. She looked up, an amused look on Ryan's face.

"Why don't we be done for the day?" Ryan suggested. "I have an idea."

"What kind of idea?" Lara asked as she polished off her fries.

"Let's go and you'll see." Ryan chuckled, grabbing his keys. 

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Can't Help Falling in Love {Ryan Blaney}✔️Where stories live. Discover now