| epilogue |

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a year and a half later

"Are you ready?" Ryan asked, outstretching his hand.

Lara nodded, slipping her hand into his. They had spent the past year watching her vision for Hank's Happy Golf come to life and today they were going to share it with the people they loved the most.

They walked out onto the small stage, greeted by the cheers of the small crowd that had formed. Ryan grabbed the microphone that somebody had handed him.

"Hey, guys!" He greeted, the crowd cheering in response, "First off, we'd like to thank you all for being here." Ryan squeezed Lara's hand. "This was Lara's dream, Lara's vision and I'm so thankful that she's let me be a part of it and I am so excited for you guys to see what we've been working on." He handed the microphone to Lara.

Lara took a deep breath, trying to remember the speech that she had memorized. "Hank's Happy Golf has always been a sanctuary for me, the place where I'd go when life would get to be too much. It has always been my dream to turn Hank's into a place that has a little something for everybody to come and forget about their worries. But without you, Ryan, this wouldn't have been possible." She blinked back the tears that were threatening to spill. "So thank you." Lara gave Ryan a watery smile as she handed the microphone back to him.

"One more thing before I let y'all loose to have fun," Ryan grinned nervously as he stepped back. "Lara Riddick, loving you has been the easiest thing that I have ever done. You challenge me to be a better man and a better racer. Let me give you unsolicited advice forever and be my wife?" Ryan dug into his pocket, pulling out a tiny velvet box. He opened it, crouching onto one knee. "What do you say, Lara?"

A grin spread over Lara's face. She wished she could say that this was a surprise but she had started getting suspicious when Ryan's mom had asked what her ring size was and both of his sisters had brought up rings, asking what style of rings she liked. Even though they had only been together for a little over a year and a half, Lara knew without a doubt what her answer was. "Of course."

Ryan grinned, scooping her up into a hug. He pulled away, slipping the ring on. Lara took a moment to admire it -- a round center stone surrounded by an art deco halo of petite diamonds on a rose gold band. It was one that she had sent to both of his sisters.

"Do you like it?" Ryan asked, chewing on his lip.

"It's perfect, Ry." She pulled him in for a kiss, the cheers of the crowd reminding them that they weren't alone.

"Let's get this party started!" Ryan told the crowd. The crowd cheered as Ryan discarded the microphone, leading Lara into the crowd.

They were greeted first by her grandfather and Hank who were both wearing wide smiles on their faces.

"I'm so proud of you." Rick pulled her into a hug. "And welcome officially to the family. We'll have to do something about you driving a Ford." Rick laughed, clapping a hand on Ryan's back.

"I can't believe little Lara Riddick is all grown up, owning a business and getting married," Hank sniffed before his smile returned. "I couldn't have left this business in better hands."

Lara wiped a stray tear from the corner of her eyes. "That means a lot to me." She pulled Hank in for a hug before waving a quick goodbye and following Ryan.

They waded through the people, thanking everybody for showing up and in return congratulating Ryan and Laron their engagement. Lara was blown away by the number of people that had shown up. The place was packed, and Lara was hoping that it was a sign of what was to come.

  "You're going to be a Blaney," Ryan's mom cooed, wrapping her up in a hug. "We are so happy and so proud of you guys. This place is phenomenal."

Lara smiled inwardly, she was Lara Hendrick and she planned on staying that way but she appreciated his mom's sentiment. "Thank you." She called as she tried to keep up with Ryan who was snaking his way through the crowd much faster than she was.

"Hey buddy, I'm glad you could make it." She heard Ryan's voice through the crowd. A couple of thank you's and congratulations later, she stopped next to Ryan, who was happily chatting with Chase.

"Hey." She smiled but before she could say anything else, a streak of raven curls flashed over to her, wrapping her in a hug.

"I am so glad he finally proposed because I thought I was going to burst." Lara took a step back to look at her best friend.

"You knew?" Lara flicked her eyes between Ella and Ryan, who both had guilty looks. "Did you know?" Her eyes narrowed at Chase.

He put his hands up, "I'm going to plead the fifth," but the lopsided grin on his face answered her question. "I'm just worried this wedding planning is going to give this one ideas." He wrapped his arm around Ella, pressing a kiss on the top of her head.

"Whoever said that I want to marry you?" Ella laughed, wiggling away from Chase. Her bright green eyes connected with Lara's and they both laughed, feeding off each other until they were doubled over. When Chase had introduced Ella to Lara, they had clicked, fast friends. Ella was the perfect balance to Chase, the fourth piece to their puzzle.

"We are in so much trouble," Chase muttered, cueing another round of laughter.

Once Lara and Ella's laughter had subsided, Ryan cleared his throat, "I think it's time for me to kick all of your asses on the go-kart track."

Lara rolled her eyes, "You wish." She slipped her hand into his as they walked towards the go-kart track. She took a look around, at the business she had always dreamed of, the man she would spend the rest of her life with and their best friends.

Her heart overflowed with love and happiness. She knew without a doubt that this was exactly where she was meant to be.

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First and foremost, I want to thank everybody who has read, commented, voted or messaged me about this story. When I started this story, I never in a million years expected the support that I have received.

I will be rewriting this story because I wrote the beginning so fast that I didn't really develop the characters fully. I'm not sure when, but it'll be soon.

I do wonder if you as the reader would prefer that I update the rewritten parts as they're written or as a whole?

Once again, thank you all for reading.

PS I have a rant book that I'll be updating in regards to what I'm working on now and what's coming next!

Can't Help Falling in Love {Ryan Blaney}✔️Where stories live. Discover now