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"They need drivers to their cars," An official announcer. Lara nodded, making her way towards her car when somebody grabbed her elbow. She spun, facing Ryan.

    "The lawyer just called. We officially own Hank's Happy Golf." Ryan grinned.

    Without even thinking about it, Lara threw her arms around Ryan's neck, squeezing. She could tell she caught Ryan off guard but he quickly recovered, wrapping his arms around Lara. "Thank you." She whispered into his ear before pulling away.

    Before Ryan could answer, the PA announcer came on. "Please rise and gentlemen remove your hats for the playing of the National Anthem."

    "Guess you're stuck with me." Ryan laughed as Lara's eyes darted up to her car and she knew that she had no chance of making it up there. She had qualified on the front row, compared to Ryan's twentieth.

    She faked a smile, her stomach churning because she knew that Chase would be pissed, especially if he had seen Lara hug Ryan. Chase had been refusing to talk to her, throwing her pointed glances and glares every chance he got. Even though Lara knew why, she hated that he was doing this. She had been quick to forgive but it had become apparent that Chase was unwilling to do the same. "I guess so." She finally replied.

    Lara clasped her hands behind her back as the National Anthem played. As soon as it was done, Lara nudged Ryan, "Good luck. I'll see you in Victory Lane." She winked before jogging back to her car. Lara put her head down, not bothering to look at Chase.

    Once she made it to her car, she tugged on her helmet, fastening the HANS device before climbing into the car. As she buckled herself in, she knew she should be focusing on the race but she could just picture Chase's face, the anger etched deep into it. She wasn't sure why she hadn't just broken things off with Chase, he had been ignoring her. The thrill was gone but Lara found herself hanging on in hopes that maybe it would return.

    Her crew chief, Kevin Meendering leaned into the cockpit, "Just focus and you're going to do great."

Lara nodded, "Will do, Chief." She watched as he put up the net, clearing her head. She listened for the command to start her engine, flipping on all of the switches, her engine rumbling to life.

Lara was ready, she was focused. She was going to win.

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    "Nine is at your bumper," Her spotter, Maisie Wilcox called. "Hold your line but get ready to dive and block him."

    "10-" Lara started to say until she felt contact on her back bumper. She pulled her wheel, doing everything she could to keep her car straight, sliding down the race track to block the pass. "Did he just try to spin me?" She asked, anger rising in her throat.

    "It sure looked like it," Maisie agreed.

    "10-4," Lara's voice was sharp. Not at Maisie but at the fact that Chase had tapped her and she knew it was not a love tap either.

Can't Help Falling in Love {Ryan Blaney}✔️Where stories live. Discover now