| twenty-four |

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"Nervous?" Ryan asked, an amused look crossing his face as he watched Lara bounce up and down nervously as they waited for driver introductions.

    Lara paused, shooting him a glare. "Maybe." She muttered. Qualifying hadn't gone well and she was worried about having to start mid-pack. Between the media not relenting on the rivalry story with Chase and rumbles of wondering when Lara was going to get her first Cup win, the pressure was on and it felt like it was suffocating her.

    Ryan grabbed her hand. "Hey, you're going to be great. The only person that is going to get in your way in you. Take it a lap at a time and avoid other people's messes." Lara sucked a breath in at the contact. They hadn't talked about what Ryan had said in the motorhome, he hadn't brought it up and she certainly hadn't in fear of making things awkward.

    "Thanks." She gave Ryan's hand a squeeze before dropping it.

Ryan's eyes clouded as he stared at her for a minute. He chewed on his lip, almost as if he wanted to say something but after a moment, he shook his head, obviously thinking better of it. "I'm up next." He told her quietly before walking towards the stage.

"Good luck!" She called behind him.

    She took a couple of deep breaths, trying to center herself. Ryan's words echoed in her voice. He was right, he always was. She was so thankful for his advice, even if she rarely listened.

    But for once she decided to listen to him.

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    "You're doing great," Lara's crew chief encouraged her as she sat in her pit box, waiting for her cue to pull out.

    "Thanks." Lara murmured, an ominous feeling starting to churn in her stomach, almost like she needed to puke. "I have a bad feeling, Paul. I have a really bad feeling." She felt her car come off the jacks and she pulled out of her pit box. "Good stop guys," Lara told them as she got lined up for the restart. She hadn't gained any positions on pit road but she also hadn't lost any which was worth something.

    "Just settle down, Lara," Kevin told her. "What you're feeling is probably just nerves. Take a couple of deep breaths. You can do this."

    Lara nodded, trying to ignore the knot in her lower abdomen that was now starting to form in addition to the stomach churning. She took a couple of deep breaths, trying to refocus herself.

    "Alright, coming to the green," Maisie spoke to her. "Let's do this, Lara. Green, green, green."

    As Lara hit the gas, her eyes narrowed and she let the bad feelings go. There were only twenty laps to go so Lara knew that it was now or never.

    "Bumper, quarter panel, door, clear, clear." Maisie buzzed in Lara's ear as she passed a car. A quick glance told her it was the 22. "You're two car lengths from the 10."

    "10-4," Lara replied, setting her sights on running the next car down. Her car had found late life and Lara was going to capitalize on it. Sure, winning was next to impossible at this point but she had a chance at a top-ten finish.

    "Go to the outside. Bumper, quarter panel, door, push push, quarter panel." Maisie called as Lara battled with the 10 car. "Door, door, c'mon Lara, you can get around him. Door, clear." There was a pause, "Alright. You're about ten car lengths from the 12 car. Get past him and you're in the top ten."

    "10-4," Lara replied, she knew she only had a couple of laps left so she gave the car everything it had, quickly gaining on him.

    "Go to the inside," Maisie instructed. Lara slid up to the inside of the track. She hated being this close to the wall but she also knew that this was probably the only shot at getting past Ryan. "12 is going to catch the 88 as you catch him," Maisie informed her. "Alright. Bumper, bumper. Push Lara, quarter panel. Door. Push, Lara. One lap to go."

    Out of the corner of her eye, Lara could see the 12 car wiggle, like he was losing control. She tried to let up off the gas but he had slammed into her before she could fall back.

    Her car slammed into the wall, the 12 car pinning her as they crossed the start/finish line.

"Shit." She cursed under her breath. "Sorry guys. Shouldn't have pushed so hard for a top ten. Y'all did great today." She reached over, pulling the window net down.

"You good, Lara?" Kevin asked. "You going to go kick Blaney's ass?"

Lara chuckled a little bit as she unbuckled herself, "I'm good. And nah, I'd probably be out of a job if I did."

    "10-4." Kevin laughed.

    Lara pulled her helmet off. She hated that she had gotten herself caught up in Ryan's mess but she was pleased that she had done so well.

    "Are you okay?" Lara jumped at Ryan's face in her window.

    "Damnit, Ryan. I was until you gave me a heart attack." She shooed him away from the window so she could climb out. 

    Ryan flashed a sheepish grin as he rubbed the back of his neck. "Are you going to shove me too?"

"Ha ha--" She started but a jolt of pain pulsed through her. Instantly, she doubled over. "Shit."

"Are you okay?" Ryan hovered over her. "Hey, we need somebody." She heard him call.

    "Lara, are you okay?" A different voice asked.

    The pain subsided and Lara stood up. "I think so. It was pain down here." She motioned to her belly button area.

    The EMT nodded and they started walking back, Ryan's eyes never leaving her when another pain pulsed through her, this time way worse.

    She stopped, doubling over. "Something isn't right." She murmured to the EMT who said something on the walkie talkie.

    "We're going to send you right to a hospital." She told Lara before turning to Ryan, "And we'll take you to the infield care center."

    Ryan shook his head. "I'm going with her."

    "We can't do that. You have to be cleared too." The EMT explained. "I'll go with her, she'll be okay."

    Ryan opened his mouth to protest but Lara stopped him. "Really, Ry. I will be okay. I'll call you after, okay?"

    Ryan relented, "I'm sorry, Lara."

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I want to warn you all in advance that I'll be placing a trigger warning for the next chapter or so.

Can't Help Falling in Love {Ryan Blaney}✔️Where stories live. Discover now