Five) Listen To Me 。

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"I would like to talk to you," Quinn genitally said, his hand tugging me along to a new door. "Please?"

I simply nodded, not even aware of what he just said.

The whole room was white with mirrors on the roof, the whole room bland and boring, no signs of color. Medical equipment was stacked behind glass casing, which they could have definitely used to try and escape. Books upon books cluttering each desk; all open with scribbles and mess writing sprawled all over the pages. Most of the room was a mess, bean bags and papers flown all over.

Pushing the white-painted door open, Quinn quickly stepped inside before stepping out with a bundle of clothes. Guiding me to a new door, he quickly opened it, steam wrapping around Quinn and I. When the fog cleared, Quinn's head was tilted to the side his moss eyes looking straight at me before looking at the already filled bathtub.

"I can leave. But please make sure you are clean and relaxed." Quinn carefully placed the clothes on the side before moving to the door.

"You don't have to go," I flushed.

Where the hell did that come from?

"Well, I mean, it's up to you." Quinn pried our interlaced hands, his fingers grasping the hem of the shirt that I know I definitely didn't change into. They must have seen how hideous everything looks. Please don't think anything bad, please.

Quinn tugged at my shirt, "This is okay, right?" I nodded, Quinn lifted the large white shirt, the strong smell of lemons and oranges leaving me. A small chuckle left Quinn's kissable lips.

Kissable? Woah, hold up.

The distance closed between us, Quinns' parted lips teasing me.

So after 24 hours you're already kissing random boys?

His structured face was so close to mine. The intoxicating blend of oranges, coffee, and books.

Are they really so random though? They're stuck here like you, they have feelings and thoughts. Their people trying to make the best out of their doomed life.

I pressed my lips to Quinn's. His large hands threading into my hair as his free arm pulled my flushed body closer. The kiss felt heavenly, like strawberries dipped in warm chocolate, sleeping in a freshly made bed or that feeling when you know it's Friday. But this kiss feels like more than just that; it's the feeling that I know I'm not alone. At least not right now.

Quinn pulled away, dropping to his knees. His finders looping into the waistband of the shorts.

"I'm not going to do anything else, please don't threat."

Pulling my shorts down, his eyes stayed locked onto mine. Even though he normally seemed quite reserve, right now, the tilt at the corners of his full lips said otherwise. Sticking out his tongue and crossing his eyes, he made the situation less awkward and more caring.

"I know what Mason asked you," He removed his shirt revealing his tanned and smooth skin, "You need to be careful though, things won't be easy as they seem. Team effort." He gave me a look, a look that meant maybe he would help too.

I need holy water.

He stood there in all his glory, a casual look on his face. Taking off the rest of my own clothes, obviously not as glory like or casual, more Tomato Luca looking.

Both of us got in the tub, my back resting against Quinn's chest. The rose water calming me, and the feeling of Quinn's warm body on mine too.

I still had little cuts from yesterday, all the larger ones had been stitched up and cleaned. No doubt the work of one of the disgusting scientists.

A gentle touch to my rosy cheeks had me turning Quinn's way, his lips once again locking with mine. "I'm going to be here for you, Luca. Beryl and I will always be here for you. Everyone will." Furrowing his brows he pulled me impossibly closer to his warm and firm body.

He leaned in again, seeming like he was going for a kiss. I flutter my eyes shut, I felt Quinn's lips brush against my cheek. Not my lips. The place where his lips could have perfectly molded to mine, and he decided to kiss my cheek. I may as well be french if he's only ever going to give me french kisses.

Quinn put a finger below my chin, tilting my head upwards so we were eye to eye. Forest green and washed out green, the type of green of the one bright emerald book cover that had now been sun-kissed after the many years of loving. "I'm going to give you the answers you need and in return, I want to escape with you."

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