Eleven) Wine Reminds Me Of Your Lips 。

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"You shouldn't say things like that," Beryl reprimanded, he normally seemed more relax but now his shoulder were drawn back, his brows creased together. "No-one If should be saying that we're "Paradises' endgame" til the very end."

He pulled Leighton closer while grasping onto Quinn's hand. All three of them holding onto each other.

"Maybe this is end though, who know's where we'll go from here," Mason smiled at me, his cold blue eyes gleaming at me. "The world is a stage and we're the main characters."

"Well if Paradise want's a show, I'll sure as hell give 'em one." Keegan stood up from the sofa, his arms crossed.

"I'm all for a performance but Paradise spectacular isn't one of them." Charlie stood up, his white hair shining in the light.

Charlie had told me he has a form on albinism that makes him look so pale. Out of three siblings he was the only one with the albino gene.

Weather he was an albino or not, he reminds me of an angel; his pure white skin, his angelic white hair. The way he moves is graceful and subtle; but he makes sure you know he's in the room.

"But being stuck here for so long, don't you ever want to see what life outside is like?" River's head turned towards me, urging me to carry on. "Places fulled with trees, colourful flowers you can't even imagine. Animals that aren't allowed in Paradise but are allowed, all out there. There's so much you can't understand when you're stuck in a cardboard box."

River looked up at an apathetic Zero before looking me in the eyes. The for the first time, he's looked me in the eyes.

I could feel a large grin cover my face, my hands wanting to reach up and twirl River in the air and kiss his a million times.

Kiss him? Fuck, what am I thinking.

He had only looked at me for a few seconds before sinking back into Zero. Obviously letting Zero guide the way he makes his decisions.

"Have they made hover cars yet?" Mason questioned, his head tilted sideways. He pressed his hand to my cheek so that our faces were only inches apart.

"Of course not, we aren't that smart," Everyone suddenly looked at Mason, the whole atmosphere changing.

His cold blue eye's softened, melting into ocean eyes. His eyes battling an internal conflict.

"We haven't been outside of Paradise for years, Luca," Quinn came over, picking me up from the bean bag, "I'm grateful as I've only been since I was 25 and that's for two years. But River has been here since he was 12."

He sat down on a blue love seat, placing me on his lap and then coving us in a cream blanket.

If River has been here since he was twelve, how old is he now? He looks younger than the rest here.

"A new person comes to Paradise every year," Beryl said, rearranging the sleeping Leighton and himself.

Everyone went round in chronological order of those who had been here first and last.

Zero was 16 when he was brought to Paradise and he's been here for 11 years which makes him 27. It was then Keegan who has been here for 10 years from the age of 18, now he's 28. River came at the age of only 12 and he's only 21 after spending 9 years here. Zion is 24 and was brought here at the age of 17. Leighton was 16 and he's now 23. Cole is joint oldest as he's 28 now but was brought to Paradise at 22.

Mason is 23 and has been here since he was 18. He was then followed by Charlie at the age of 16 who is now 20. Beryl is the joint oldest with Cole at the age of 28 and being brought to Paradise at the age of 25. And last but not least was Quinn who was brought here at 25 and is 27 now.

"It's not hard when you have people you love around you," Leighton mumbled, waking up from his sleep, "With nine, and hopefully ten, people who love you, life isn't as bad as it really is."

Keegan got up, walking over to Quinn and I. "Speaking about love, what do you think about us?" He leaned over us, gently sliding Quinns' glasses off his sculpted face before putting it on his own.

"What do you mean?"

Mason turned around on Cole's lap, rubbing his sleepy eyes. "Will you love us, Luca?"

¡Hola! Im going on holiday so I won't be able to update regularly. So, hopefully three updates in one night should be enough to satisfy appetites. ~Alex

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