Thirteen) Angels Are The Best Sinners 。

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Mason's arm was draped over me, our legs intertwined and our chests flush against each other. His soft heart beat reminding that I won't be the one to break his heart.

And how long with that last?

He looks so calm for once. He looks calm all the time but now, he seems more human. Like he doesn't need to hide himself behind a wall of suspicion.

And I can still feel the million dollar kisses from last night dancing on my face. Hands that paint your skin in invisible tattoo's, reminding you that hands so delicate will keep you forever. That sin can be sweet.

Who knew I could be so poetic? Shakespeare 2.0? Thank you, thank you.

A piano playing had awoken me, the soft notes lulling everyone to sleep but myself. I don't know whose playing, every time I try to move, Mason just rolls on top of me.

After his petal lips against mine last night, I can't get him out of my mind, or my arms for that matter. And Quinn's intimate touches, the way he holds me like I'm a god. He can read me like a book and open me just as fast.

The piano changed tune. Now playing at a slower pace and it's notes soft and small.

Somehow managing to lift Mason, I got up looking for the source of the music. There, with his eyes closed and his hair in braids sat Charlie, his hands sliding from key to key.

He was hidden in the shadows but he shined like the angel he was. And still is.

Stepping over the sleeping body's that were all intertwined together, I walked over to Charlie. The closer I got, the more the music serenaded me.

Standing right next to Charlie's piano, I could see his contorted face; a mix of pain and control. With his hair tied back, you could see the fading bruises and love bites. The bites had draw blood and definitely weren't fresh from last night. They screamed vicious, nothing that Cole or Keegan seemed to treat Charlie with.

The guards, I'm pretty sure Quinn and the rest saw them last night. Wonder how discussed they were?

Quinn had shown his full self, allowing me to inspect and cherish all of him. The cuts on his arms and the massive gnash down his back. All the works of Paradise. Well, the one on his back is.

"Are you okay?" A French accented voice brought me out of my daze. Two pale blue eyes lovingly gazing at me.

"I'm...I'm fine, thank...thank you," Jeez, can you be more embarrassing? "Your... your good at playing the piano."

Charlie continued playing, a small Cheshire Cat grin kissing his lips. "I was taught as a child, I hate it though."

He shuffled across the stool, allowing me to sit next to him. "Why play if you hate it?"

"Why love If your going to lose?" He questioned back, his smile still there. "It's a habit I have. Every night, Keegan asks me to play for him so he can sleep better."

"But what about you?"

"I'm used to not sleeping a lot. Mamá used to make me play for hours on end, even into the night." His smile faltered, his eyes pressing close.

The music stopped for a moment, his fingers pressing down causing an off tune sigh to escape the piano.

"If your going to ask, I suggest you don't," He spat out, his voice becoming venomous. "I might be the youngest here but I know someone who makes childish mistakes."

Fuck. He knows what I was going to do. If he knows, what happens if Paradise does too?

"Charlie, this isn't Paradise! How can you like it here!" I whisper shouted, my hands grasping onto his forearms.

"A pathetic boy like you thinks he can escape a maze of men?" He scoffed, his pushed himself upwards, his body looming over mine. "How naïve, how innocent. I'll make sure your spoilt, is that want you want?"

Is this want I want?

The room shifted in front of me, the walls slowly inching closer towards me. A small sting in my nose and bitter tears building up.

Charlie fiddled with a flashy emerald ring, "Going to cry, crybaby? Don't make the room into a swimming pool, crybaby," He teased, laughing at me.

"This is why good boys listen to their Masters."

"If you ever plan on leaving Paradise again, I will personally put you in your place." He sat back down, motioning for me to move away.

"Char...Charlie, I don't...I don't-"

"Did I fucking stutter?" He laughed out, continuing to play the piano.

Love is a sin, and it hurts.

I went back to Mason, wrapping my arms around his and holding him close. The music taunting me, it's joyful tune wrapping round the room and lodging itself in the room.

"Don't dance on the wrong side of the knife, the show isn't over, yet." He giggled it loud enough for me to hear, the venom hiding all the fun of it.

I buried my head further into Mason's neck, trying to ignore the perfectly played piano. But I still love him and I want to know more about him.

Maybe he'll say one thing but his piano will tell me the other. Dumbass.

I closed my eyes, knowing that I won't feel a sleep. Even with Charlie's lullaby of murder.

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