One) Introductions prt.1 。

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I really hated this chapter when I first wrote it so now here's the new and updated chapter. Still has bad grammar but you'll still love me, right? ~Auggie

"Hey, wakey wakey," A voice whispered, their hand stroking my hair.

I feel like I just went to hell and back, jeez. What did I do, have a stick up my arse?

"Go away," Shrugging then off, I turned away, only to numbly wrap myself in a cocoon of bodies.

I flung myself from the bed, landing on the cold white tiled floor. Pushing myself up, I glared at the boys in front of me.

The one on the bed looked half asleep, his hooded dark brown eyes blinking owlishly at me. "I didn't mean to scare you, I'm really just lazy." He flung his fiery red-haired head back onto the white pillows, smiling up at the ceiling.

There were four others in the room apart from myself. One stood over in the corner, the shadows consuming him. He had dark brown hair and eyes to match. On his hands, there were bandages wrapped around them that he picked apart, absentmindedly fiddling with them while his pierced into mine.

He most definitely woke up on the wrong side of the bed.

A new boy stepped forward, pushing his oval glasses up to the bridge of his nose. "Delighted to make your acquaintance." He had a cute little British accent, one of those posh ones where you imitate and pretend you're a king.

Smiling to myself at that, I shook his hand while the other boy on the bed snickered. "He's so formal, 'posh, posh, posh'. How do you even know such big words, midget?" He jumped down from the bed, ruffling the boy's raven hair before trying to make the same move on me.

He's so... happy.

"I'm not even small, I'm taller then Leighton and last time I checked I was 6"0." The posh boy retorted, pulling a face at the boy.

My legs felt like jelly, the situation crashing down on me. A new boy must have realized because as I fell back, he cradled me in his arms; his protection comforting me.

I looked up to his tall broad frame with deep black hair that had been pushed back, revealing his cole black eyes. A line of flowers that had been inked onto his skin poked out of the top of his turtle neck, maybe softening him a little, a little. The delicate line of flowers led up to a prominent jawline paired with killer high cheekbones and deep-set angled eyes. He looked like he came from the East, possibly Japan.

But damn, those cheekbones are to die for. I don't even need to know his name, for now, he is Cheekbones.

Something about him was more dangerous than the one in the shadows, shadow man seemed like the type of guy that had all his cards laid out in front of him. Yet, the new person held them close to him, waiting for the right moment to show them off.

"Sorry about them, once they want to do something, they can't be stopped. Stubborn," he rolled his eyes, a small smile showing no hostility but only pearly white teeth, "Cole, nice to meet you."

I simply nodded back, my gaze locked with the boy in the corner. He hadn't stopped staring at me, playing with his bandages, casually revealing his cuts and bruises. Not in a warning way of 'this is what Paradise does to you', no, this was a warning of 'this will be the aftermath of you'.

A small ashy bunned boy butted into our staring conversation, his hetero-chromatic eyes sparkling, "As you most definitely know, my name is Leighton, the l-master, or the d-master," He leaned in closer, covering his hand over his mouth like as a shield while he whispered to me. He seemed to act like one of those anime girls, not that I watch those type of things. "But if you must know, I normally get called Lee." He stepped back, winking and posing like some cheesy anime girl, again.

"He's far from a D-master. If it's out of any of us, it's me," The small posh raven-haired boy stepped in, pressing his slender finger to his chest, "I mean, Lee, you should hear what you call me sometimes,"

Leighton's cheeks turned crimson, his jaw nearly smashing against the floor. He gently pinched the raven-haired boy, the two ending up on the floor in a mix of giggles and childish jokes.

Three more boys stepped into the large medical looking room. The last boy to step in, a tall blonde with a middle parting and hair that reached the tips of his pierced ears, gestured to the two new boys. "This is River and Mason. The name is Zero, good to meet you." A soft New Yorker accent adding to it. The three boys stepped out, the tall blonde boy, Zero, directed a tiny platinum-haired boy, River, and the browny-blonde haired boy with hair that reached his shoulders was called Mason.

Mason rubbed at his swirling blue orbs, a small pout gracing his lips. He lifted up his arms and wiggled his fingers, a tiny whine escaping his lips. Cheekbones gently picked him up, Mason wrapping his arms and legs around him before nuzzling his neck, the two leaving the room with a small wave of goodbye from Mason.

Oddly over-friendly.

"How are you feeling?" Zero questioned, coming to sit down on the bed, analyzing me.

He had smoke filled orbs, the gray complimented with blue flecks. His blonde wavy hair reached the tips of his ears, which on his left ear was adorned with piercings and on his right had one lone piercing. He stood tall above the rest however, Cheek Bones was just a few inches taller.

"I feel like we'll get along quite well, I mean, we are stuck in Paradise together," Zero reminded me, a sympathy smile on his lips. Sympathy I don't want but desperately need. River came and sat on his lap, resting his head back on Zero's shoulder. He wouldn't dare to look anywhere but the floor.

I could feel goosebumps on my skin, with Keegan's cold glare and Zero's mystery message. Everyone around me knew something they wouldn't give up so easily.

Maybe it's their freedom they won't give?

The slight boy on his lap had platinum blonde hair that matched his creamy smooth skin. Pale blue and green eyes that led to a narrow nose and plump peach lips. He was quite small, over a head smaller than Zero, and the smallest person I've seen here so far. And the most scarred however, not physically.

Zero pressed a chaste kiss to River's forehead, his eyes emotionless and matching his impassive tone, "You're going to hate it here, so, nice to meet ya, kiddo."

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