Nine) I Don't Want A Play Date With Paradise。

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"It's play time for Paradise." Beryl mumbled, something hidden in his voice.

"But was Charlie not just brought back only yesterday?" Quinn question, wrapping his arms tighter around me.

What the hell is going on?

Quinn and Beryl both looked down at me, their eyes a mix of concern and worry. Quinn fiddled with the side of his rounded glasses while Beryl simply held me tighter.

It's comforting but it's not the answers I need.

Turning in their arms,I looked directly in Beryl's swirling brown orbs. "Beryl, tell me what's about to happen." I demanded, pressing myself closer towards them.

"Every time Paradise need someone for their own gain, they make it a big thing. Normally there are five day intervention periods however, Charlie only just came back yesterday along with you." Quinn answered, gently pressing a kiss to my forehead.

"What does it mean then?"

Quinn and Beryl both dropped their arms, taking a small step back and standing away from each other.

The lights turned pitch black before coming on again, now a lighter red shade.

What the hell.

The room was spinning beneath my feet, everything tilting different ways. Another loud pinging sound erupting around the room, only adding to my headache.

Everyone remained still. Zero sat with River on his lap, both of them void of any emotion. They know something important, they're hiding it. Keegan and Cole rested against the wall along with a fidgeting Charlie in front of them. Cole seemed fine with what was happening, he knows something too, while Keegan stood with his arms crossed over his chest, ferocious look on his tanned face.

Leighton and Zion had panicked looks on their faces. Lee was bouncing from one foot to another, his eyes looking everywhere but the red entrance door. Zion held a cross between his fingers, his lips moving with a prayer of some sort.

And Mason simply laid on the couch trying to sleep, not bothered with the events going on around him. How can someone be so relaxed? Knowing I was looking straight at him, he peeped in if his eyes open, blue orbs penetrating me.

'Thing are going to get worse' he mouthed before tilting his head back and closing his eyes once more.

He knows something too. They all know something and they won't tell me. They'll kiss me in riddles and leave me with lust.

The room went pitch black once more, spotlights landing on all eleven of us.

"Beryl, Quinn, What...what's happening?" My voice wavered, my finger trembling and legs shaking.

"Trust me." Quinn gulped, seeming like he couldn't even trust himself at this moment.

Zero, River, Cole and Mason all remained apathetic. Like this was going to be okay in the end. But it isn't. And part of me wants to shout at them, a mix of anger and confusion.

I just want to go.

A pinging sound chimes out again, the eleven portraits above the doors lighting up.

There stood mine, my brunette ripped hair and green eyes. Now dull and dead. The whole life had been drained from the portrait, dripping onto the floor and staining everything crimson. And maybe I can't see that but, damn, I feel it.

The lights on the portraits starting switching off, changing which person it stated on. Like a lucky dip, but less lucky. Different arcade like sounds rang out every time it landed on a face, almost laughing at us.

Us? You really feel like you have fucking family, how cute. Dumbass.

The lights slowed down, the sounds coming to a stop.

Zion's portrait sat shining in the light, gleaming back with murderous intent. His picture showed him looking quite young, around 15 or 16.

How long have they been here?

The lights went back to there normal white color, the whole room tense and pointing daggers at Zion.

The large red and gold door slammed open, two grinning guards blocking the door. Suddenly, Keegan was in on them in a flash, his fist colliding against the frozen guard.

"There's more where that fucking came from." He grumbled, wiping the guards blood off his buckles while Charlie ushered him away.

Zion sent a panicked look to Leighton, nervously grasping to the cross with his dear life. Leighton leaned in, pressing a delicate kiss to Zion's lips.

"I'll wait for you, Ze-Ze." Leighton let go of Zion's hand, the guards dragging his body away before slamming the door.

I had subconsciously moved closer to Lee, holding the hand he held Zion with.

He let out a sigh, a broken smile gracing his sad lips. I promised I wouldn't see him sad. I pressed my lips to his, comforting him with more than I was ever comforted with.

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