Four) Remember Me ?

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His silver eyes bore into me, a look he would often give out, holding nothing in it. I always thought it was his look of him constantly supporting someone, the trust he oh-so-holy devours. But this look was not the one of love and support, this was something devious.

"Why don't you trust me anymore, my little acrobat?" he rumbled, his arms on both sides of my head. "Am I not lovable enough for you, I can show you how lovable I really can be." His threat pressed deep into my heart. No matter what he says, he can't fix this.

"I- I'm sorry, Master but, this- this is already bad enough. You're making this worse." I can feel my heart in my mouth; a film of sweat bedding my forehead.

At least your heart still beats.

Master's bloodstained hand reached under my chin, tilting my head so that we were eye to eye. Fuck. He pressed himself closer, his excitement prodding me.

This is what's wrong with him, he's got the body of a God with the mind of a sinner. He devotes himself to the hidden destruction of those around him. But I swore I would love, that even though he's my first everything, he wouldn't be my first heartbreak.

"But you see, my little acrobat, I haven't finished showing how lovable I can be," He threw his head back, euphoria dripping from his venous lips. Lips that kiss me to bed, lips that whisper you the world, lips that never ever take no for an answer.

"Won't you entertain me, toy?" It doesn't matter if anything's good or not, he'll always have fun with the worst. His grip tightened, black and white stars dancing about. Why won't he let the stars in my head perform for him instead? I clawed my fingers at his hands uselessly, only making him enjoy it more.

Clothes had ended up on the floor, Master tossed me onto the bloodstained bed, for once the blood not mine but the limp body next to me. Their eyes wide staring, but never blinking.

His hands tightened like a noose, his head clouded with dark intentions that all scream no but he says 'Yes'. He released my throat, not even giving me time to get over my wheezing fit before he dragged me on top of his lap.

"Please... Master-" But he already made his move. The blood from his last victim was rubbing off on me. The limp body that lay on the bed next to us starred intently, he might be dead but he looks so alive.

"See, toy? I told you I can be lovable." He chuckled, his chestnut brown hair sticking to his forehead.

His hand drew silver, the blade shining like diamonds. Except this time diamonds aren't a boy's best friend.

My heart dropped to my stomach, my lips moving with nothing coming out. I'm surviving and he is dead. Ready to strike the final blow.

"If he can have you, I wonder how much of a slut you've been for other people too. Your mine, toy, mine mine mine." He pulled the knife back before-

"Rise and shine, Buttercups!" Holy sh- "If you don't get up, I'll jump on you like the sumo master I am!"

On my right, a firm body pressed closer to me, nuzzling my head into their chest. Pressed up behind me, a sculpted and warm body entwining with mine.

Wait, I'm being smothered by two gigantic model men.

"I'd like to see ya try," the voice behind me teased, the same Irish accent from yesterday. I shuffling about a bit, trying to get more warmth until a deep groan escaped Beryl's lips, "Fuck." Which sounded more like a feck than anything.

I quickly stopped moving, a graceful smile looked down at me. A cute lone dimple on one cheek. Quinn leaned down, his mint breath dancing in my lips. The smell of his citrus shampoo and morning coffee cocooned me, allowing me to slip into a state of comfort. Even if it won't last forever, it's comforting to know I can relax, at least for a second.

Even after everything you can still be comfortable?

Hastily pushing myself away, I hauled myself over the morning wooded Beryl only to have a flying midget jump on top of me.

"You aren't supposed to jump when I jump," the heavy arises kid whined, "You weigh a ton, you know?"

"But...I'm underneath you."

"I told you I'm not always underneath, I am a D-Master after all." Leighton bragged while giggling like a crazed person, his shaking body pressing the fresh cuts from last night further into the cold floor.

Pretend it doesn't hurt, because it doesn't. Jokes on me, it hurts like a buttcheek on a stick.

With weight finally removed, Beryl started scolding Leighton in the corner. Leighton simply giggled while Beryl spent more focus on rearranging his downstairs then reprimanding him.

A large hand enclosed mine, Quinn's furrowed brows, concerned moss green orbs reminding me of the current situation. He pulled a Beryl green vest over my head, a bit too big from my frame but would probably fit Quinn. It smelt like him too.

"I would like to talk to you."

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