Ten) Daddy Issues ?

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Pulling away, Leighton sighed before putting on his usual façade. A simple smile and broken lives.

Everyone went back to doing their thing, Keegan allowing Charlie to paint his nails. Mason and Quinn reading books together while Beryl rested his head of Quinn's lap. Leighton and River has fallen into a gust conversation and stopped every time someone walked by them to get a closer listen.

Feeling a eyes on me I turned round, two pairs of gleaming eyes calling me over. There stood Cole and Zero, deep black and metallic silver. Cole waved me over to the bean bags, Zero calm as always with his beady eyes.

Cole pulled my down by shirt as soon as I was close enough. Falling between them with a thud, he only offered a small, apologetic smile.

"We didn't expect that to happened for a few days. We were going to tell you, just not so soon," Cole mumbled helping me sit properly on the bean bag.

Being squished between to hot men and then me being a potato is harder than it seems. I mean "Just sit there, Luca, sit there like a normal person" but no. Tomato Luca loves to turn up whenever.

"You are okay, right?" Cole question his hand subconsciously tracing the line of flowers on his neck.

"I'm fine, at least, I think I am." I mumbled, trying to sink into the blue bean bags.

Honestly, the whole Paradise thing is crazy. I don't know how long they've been here but it scares me. What happens if the plan goes to shit? What happens then?

"You shouldn't be so concerned, kiddo, daddy Cole and I have everything worked out," Zero smiled, his pearly whites showing off, "Ain't that right, Daddy Cole?"

Daddy Cole? Daddy?

Cole ruffled my hair-something that's happened a lot while I've been here- and looked at me with teasing eyes. "The only person who calls me daddy is Leighton. But if you want, you can call me daddy because I am a motherfucker."

Oh. Holy water me please.

Everyone here seemed to get along with everyone well, very well. I've kissed Quinn, had Mason sit on my lap like he wants to fuck, I've kissed Leighton, been trapped in Keegan's arms as he teased me. Everyone here shares kisses like it's casual, like it's normal.

We're boys, we're allowed to kiss each other. But not, everyone. Eleven in of us stuck in Paradise and most of them all do get comfy with each other.

One big love fest.

"How come your at Paradise?" Zero questioned, it seemed like a mix curiosity and something different. Like he wanted to know where I stand.

"I'm not sure."

"What about before ya came here, do ya remember what ya were doing?" He pressed, his hand resting in my knee.

Cole wrapped his arm around shoulders, pulling my body closer to him. His hot firm body flush against mine.
He looked down at me, a gentle smile and calculating eyes.

"I...I remember running away from home, I caught a bus to the outer region of Cali. I got dropped off near a field, the bus driver refusing to stop at a proper bus stop.

"I was in a field, venture too far and suddenly there were people after me. I had found a massive building that built in the middle of nowhere.

"I managed to get away but not for long. Next thing I know I'm stuck here with scientists poking and probing me."

Some of the boys had crowded around us. Mason sat on Coles' lap with his legs resting on top of mine. River sat in between Zero's legs, playing with one of his pet snakes.

Leighton had brought pillows from his room and the sofas and used them to build a small den for himself and Beryl. Quinn collected blankets for all of us along with the help of Keegan and Charlie before sitting on the sofas opposite us.

"So we are in Cali?" Leighton questioned, his brows furrowed and his lips pouting. "That's so far from New York." He mumbled, Beryl pulling him closer.

"It's even further from Japan," Cole rearranged Mason so now that Mason was straddling him, Mason's head pressed firmly against his chest.

"I had been a well known con artist in Japan and often took part in street fights. Eventually Paradise heard about me and asked me to dabble with them, which I declined."

He's seen people from Paradise. He knows people from Paradise?

"They set out to kill me, but failed. It takes a monster to kill a monster, but I'm worse then that so Paradise has failed."

"But then they took my brother and would only give him back is I went in his place. So here I am." He grimaced, trying to hide it with a smile to no avail.

"Paradise takes us cause we know something they don't. We all know something or have the chances of knowing something 'bout Paradise 'nd cause of that," Zero massaged Rivers shoulders, his eyes loving adoring him.

"And because of that, we're Paradise's endgame."

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