A Real Shadowhunter

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Kit wiped a bead of sweat from his forehead and grimaced. His legs were aching and he knew that if he didn't use an iratze he'd most likely have a killer shiner. In one way Kit was grateful Ty was taking it easy on him but at the same time it made Kit feel like a child, and that was always a feeling he hated.

Taking a step forward Kit analysed Ty's facial expression and body movements. His grey eyes were focused, his eyebrows creasing together like they usually did when he was thinking. His left hand was by his side whilst he held a seraph blade in his right, hovered just below chest-height for both protection and convenience to strike. It was strange to Kit that small details like the tiniest shift in Ty's facial expression were easy to read and remember, but he couldn't remember the instructions he'd been given by Jace the previous day on holding his knives correctly to avoid accidentally stabbing himself in a fight. Kit knew that was an important detail but lately, he'd found it harder and harder to concentrate. He felt the balance of his blades in each hand, both differing slightly in weight to take into account Kit's dominant right hand. Every time he looked at the blades he felt a stab of guilt. Jace had given them to Kit because he was a Herondale and that meant a lot to Kit. But he couldn't help feeling like he was letting Jace down. Kit was a natural fighter, he could slay a demon if need be and hold his own against a fellow shadowhunter in training. But training wasn't the real world, and if the person Kit was training against decided to really focus Kit knew he would lose. From the examples Jace had set, Kit didn't believe Herondales could lose.

"Do you want to take a break?"

The sound of Ty's voice broke Kit from his trance. His eyes moved from his blades upward to look at Ty. Ty wasn't focused directly on Kit's face, he never was, but more so just past him. It was as if Ty was looking at him but also seeing everything around him in a way Kit would never understand.

Kit relaxed and rubbed his shoulder. He could feel the knots tightening as he walked away from Ty. Throwing his blades down and grabbing a towel he turned back to face him.

"I think I'm done for the day." Kit didn't mean to sound bitter but he was irritated. He felt like Ty wasn't taking him seriously in training. Maybe he thinks I can't handle it, Kit thought to himself. Maybe he doesn't think I'm a shadowhunter either.

"Have I done something wrong?" Ty's hand was fluttering by his side which was one of his main traits. When Ty's hands began to flutter it meant he was uncomfortable. Ty couldn't wear his headphones when they trained so all the sounds around the institute must have his senses on high alert. Kit felt a rush of guilt take over and sighed.

"It's not you." He replied. He didn't know how to explain this to Ty. How could he admit he didn't feel like a shadowhunter whilst he had the runes to prove he was. "I just... I don't know, I don't feel right."

"Are you sick?" Ty took three long strides across the mat and pressed the back of his hand to Kit's forehead. His face wrinkled in concern for the other boy and Kit felt his stomach twist with the contact. Ty rarely made physical contact with people unless it was Julian or Livvy.

He gently pushed Ty's hand away. "No, I'm not sick."

"I don't understand."

There's a lot I don't understand either.

"Are you going easy on me because you don't think I could win?" Kit regretted the question as soon as it left his mouth. Kit knew why Ty was taking it easy on him. Ty had been a shadowhunter for fifteen years. This sort of thing was second nature to Ty, whereas Kit had been a shadowhunter for the span of a few months. He still had a lot of work to do and he knew he should be grateful to Ty for giving up his own morning to help Kit train.

"No," Ty said simply. He dropped his seraph blade next to Kit and picked up a towel. He caressed it with his finger slightly then pressed it to his forehead to wipe away the sweat. His hair became ruffled in the process and it took everything Kit had to not reach across and run his fingers through it. "Is this why you're angry at me?"

"I'm not angry at you." Kit stated. "I'm angry at me."

Kit sat on the bench and let out a long sigh. Unable to meet Ty's gaze he fiddled with the button on his jeans. Ty sat next to Kit tentatively, keeping a slight amount of distance between the two but still close enough that Kit could reach him easily. He felt his breath hitch in his throat. The more time he spent with Ty the more he wanted to know about him. He knew Ty's fears and what he wanted to do with himself when he was older. He knew he loved Sherlock Holmes and wanted to study at the Scholomance. What he didn't know was how Ty felt about love. Not the kind of love he knew Ty had for his siblings, but the kind of love that left you breathless and your head spinning. The kind of love Kit was scared he might feel for Ty right now.

Does Ty feel anything like this when he's close to me?

"Why are you angry with yourself?" Ty asked Kit, clearly puzzled by the situation.

"Because I'm not a real shadowhunter, and I don't think I ever will be." Kit felt his throat tighten and swallowed hard. He'd rather stab himself in the foot then cry in front of Ty right now.

"Kit, what do you think makes a real shadowhunter?"

Kit looked up at Ty. And this time, Ty was looking right back at him.

"I mean, shadowhunters can fight. They're brave and loyal and-"

"You're all those things."

Kit didn't realise his mouth had dropped open. How could he be all those things?

"But-" Kit began to respond.

"That wasn't a question. Kit, I have seen you take on a demon and win. That's bravery and skill right there. As for loyal, maybe you aren't." Kit wasn't sure what to take from that. "But I have no doubt you'll prove you are when someone here needs you the most."

Ty was staring right into his eyes now and he felt his heart skip a beat. Kit glanced down to Ty's lips then back up to his eyes. Those eyes could make him melt. Shaking his head he looked away.

"Thank you," he muttered. He fiddled with his hands to avoid reaching over and touching Ty. The more the boy talked the harder it got.

"You're welcome."

Gently, Ty placed his hand on Kit's shoulder. He checked to see if Ty was uncomfortable with his own gesture, but his face was still soft. For a moment neither boy said a word. But it wasn't an uncomfortable silence. It was a silence that didn't need to be filled because it was silence between two friends. Maybe someday a silence between more than friends.

Maybe it was going to take some time, but Kit felt deep down that Ty was right. He knew it wouldn't be easy, but with Ty by his side, he knew it was possible. Kit could become a real shadowhunter.

After all, he is a Herondale.

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