Mission 101 - Part Two.

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Kit didn't recognise his surroundings at first glance, but he knew he was in a park. All around Kit were children and their parents playing and laughing, and he couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy. A young boy called to his father to lift him up like an airplane and the father scooped the child up in his arm with the largest smile Kit had ever seen. He couldn't remember ever feeling as happy as the father and child he was observing now. Glancing down at himself Kit realised his clothes were different. Before he was dressed in standard Shadowhunter black, but now he was dressed in all white. Kit touched his stomach. He was sure something had been wrong, but right now he felt fine.

Taking in his surroundings, to his left stood a white, arched seating area that Kit somehow recognised. The arch was covered in beautiful white flowers, and the seat in the middle was faded in colour. What was once a light blue was now a strange shade of off-white. He recognised this little arch in the middle of the park because he could feel that at some point in his young life he had been here before.

Slowly, Kit approached the arch. Once he was closer he could see a woman standing there, leaning against the railing. The woman was tall and elegant, with beautiful long, blonde hair that she left out rolling down her back. She was dressed in an impossibly white sundress that fell all the way down to her ankles. Kit could almost swear the woman was glowing. Her hands were clasped together, her lips pulled in to a slight smile. Kit saw she was looking right at him. Kit wasn't sure he knew this woman, but something was pulling him to be closer to her.

When Kit reached the arch the woman did not acknowledge him at first, but he could hear she was humming a soft and slow melody. It became clear to Kit he had heard this before. It was clear now that somehow Kit did know the woman. Stepping into the arch, the woman turned to face him. The first thing he noticed was her eyes. They were the most beautiful blue eyes Kit had ever seen.

"Hello, Christopher." Her voice was low and soft. She spoke like a school teacher talking to one of her favourite students. Something about her voice made Kit feel safe.

"How do you know my name?" Kit asked, his hands brushed against his pants with nerves.

The woman laughed, soft and sweet. When she did her eyes crinkled at the corners just slightly. Kit noticed the woman couldn't be older than her early thirties.

"It's hard to forget the name you give your own son." Kit's head spun.

Son? But that would mean...

Now it made sense. The familiar feeling Kit had when he stood near her, the tune she was humming, the beautiful blue eyes. That's how Kit had recognised her. The last time Kit had come to this park his father had seen a woman watching Kit and him from this exact same spot. He told Kit to stay where he was and went off to talk to the woman. Kit hadn't been more than three or four-years-old, but somehow he knew deep down there was no question. The woman standing in front of him was his mother.

A small tear fell down his cheek. "Mum," he croaked out.

He rushed towards her and within seconds her arms were wrapped around him in a tight hug. He felt so safe with her now. Kit didn't understand how it was possible to miss someone you barely knew, how it could hurt so much to see her now but feel so happy at the same time. She smelt wonderful, like Jasmine and oranges. Kit loved the smell of oranges. Standing here in his mother's arms he never wanted to let go, but she did.

Kit's mother kept her hand on his shoulder and Kit saw that she was crying too. Wiping the tears from Kit's cheek she smiled. "My boy. Look how handsome you are."

Kit could 't help but blush. His mother looked him over fully, her smile faltering slightly as she acknowledged the runes that were now etched into Kit's skin.

"I guess we couldn't keep you from this forever." His mother smiled sadly. He felt so nervous. Why does he feel so nervous? There were so many things he wanted to ask her, where did he start?

"I miss you," were the only words Kit managed to choke out.

His mother's eyes glowed. "I miss you too, my baby. So, so much." She hugged him again. This was a feeling Kit wanted to know forever. He was always jealous whenever he saw mother's hugging their children. For a long time his father never showed any affection, and he couldn't remember the feeling of his mother's touch. But this, this was a feeling Kit would never forget.

"Is this real?" He mumbled against her shoulder.

His mother pulled away but kept her hands resting against his cheeks. "I wish it were," she said simply. "But I can't keep you here."

Kit was lost for words. Why couldn't he stay? "I don't understand. Why can't I stay here with you? I have so many things I want to know, so many things to tell you."

"And you will. Christopher. My baby boy, in time you will know everything." He couldn't meet her eyes. If he kept looking at her he could never go back. He didn't want to go back. Not to a world where his father had been killed by monsters.

To an institute he didn't know if he even belonged in.

To a world where he didn't have his mother.

"But I want to stay," he told her. He meant it.

His mothered sighed and lift his chin to face her. "I know. But it would be selfish of me to keep you here when there's so much for you out there."

Kit scoffed. "Like what?"

His mother laughed and he savoured the sound. "You're so much like your grandfather."

"Will you tell me about him. Please? Will you tell me who am I?" Kit was pleading now. All his life he felt like he was missing something, but now he might finally get some answers.

"So impatient. You will learn everything when it's time."

Suddenly, Kit felt a sharp twist of pain in his stomach. He gasped and looked down at his white shirt. He felt the warm blood start to seep through and remembered everything. The fight with the raverner demon, Ty.

Ty. Oh, Ty. Was he okay? He needed to get back.

Frantically Kit pulled away from his mother. "I- I." he couldn't get the words out. The pain was starting to come back. He doubled over and tried to take deep breaths, but everything hurt. His mother looked at him with worried eyes. She rested her hand on his shoulder and the pain faded slightly, just enough for Kit to stand up straight. Blood was still seeping through his shirt.

"You have people who need you." She looked older now, Kit thought. More like a mum.

Kit. Kit! Someone was calling his name. It sounded so far away.

Please don't leave me, Kit.


Ty needed him.

His mother hugged him one last time before the world around Kit began to sway.

"Goodbye my precious boy. May we meet again."

Kit didn't get to say goodbye before he was swallowed up by the darkness.

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