Grand Theft Kitty

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Kit watched as Julian's fingers drummed nervously against his leg. Rolling his eyes, he clicked his seat belt into place and waited for Ty, sitting in the backseat, to do the same. He heard the click of the metal, and couldn't help but chuckle as Ty tugged on the seatbelt to ensure it's strength. A look of satisfaction crossed his face as he settled into the leather seat, eyes meeting Kit's in the rear vision mirror. Ty gave him a nod and Kit grinned back.

"Alright Julian," he said, sticking the keys into the ignition. "I'm ready." 

Julian reached across and pulled the keys back out. Kit's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. 

"What?" He asked, looking back at Ty. Ty shrugged, then went back to fiddling with the chord of his headphones. 

"We're not going yet," Julian replied, eyes roaming around the car. 

Kit huffed. "Any why is that?"

"Have you checked everything?" Julain asked, twirling the keys around his index finger. 

"Everyone has their seatbelt on, what more do I need to check?"

Julian rolled his eyes. "Mirrors," he said simply. 

Kit chewed the inside of his cheek as he adjusted the mirrors to suit him. When he was happy, he turned to Jules with a smug look on his face. Julian just handed him the keys before turning to look out the windscreen. Kit reluctantly placed the keys back into the ignition then paused.

"Anything else I should do, Yoda?" 

Julian raised his eyebrows in confusion. "Who?"

Kit kissed his teeth. "Nevermind," he mumbled as he started the ignition. 

Rubbing the nervous sweat from his hands, he shifted the car into drive and placed his foot on the accelerator. The car made a groaning noise but didn't go anywhere. From the corner of his eye he could see Julian laughing. Frustrated, he placed the car back into park.

"What's wrong with the stupid car? Why won't it move?" 

"I thought you said you'd driven a car before?" Julian mused, eyeing Kit suspiciously. 

When Kit had come to Julian asking for driving lessons, he'd claimed to have driven before and only needed a refresher. Reluctantly Julian had agreed, but only because Ty had asked him to please help. Plus, he knew if he didn't do it the next person they would ask would be Emma, and Julian had no intention of letting that take place. 

When Julian had asked if Ty wanted lessons to he simply shrugged and replied, "there's no need. If Kit learns to drive I'll just go with him." 

"Of course I've driven," Kit replied, folding his arms. "I kill it every time I play Grand Theft Auto."

Julian's eyes widened in horror, and he heard a soft snigger from the back seat. Sighing, he reached over next to Kit and tapped the handbrake.

"It might help if you take this off."

"Oh," was all Kit could muster, crimson creeping across his face. Again, Ty laughed from the backseat. 

"A total pro you say, Watson?" 

"Shut up," Kit retorted, starting the car again. He placed the car in drive, took off the handbrake and eased his foot onto the accelerator. They took off on a slow crawl along the streets of L.A. As Kit became more confident, they began to pick up speed. Julian eyed the speedometer warily.

"Ease up, Kit. We can't glammer the car. If we get pulled over, we're in trouble."

"Right," Kit replied, licking his lips. 

As they slid into more traffic Julian watched as Kit began to get flustered. A car in the lane next to them had cut across suddenly, causing Kit to hit the breaks. Jules lurched forward, but when he regained his composure he looked behind him to check on Ty. His headphones had come off his head, but he was sitting up staring at the car now in front with wide eyes. 

"You good?" he asked, reaching over his seat. Ty nodded, then grabbed his headphones from the ground. 

Turning back to look at Kit, Jules could see the sweat across his forehead. Reaching over, he placed a hand on Kit's tense shoulders.

"Pull over here," he said softly, pointing to the side of the road. 

Kit flicked his indicator on and turned slowly. He eased onto the side of the road, placed the car in park and turned off the ignition. He closed his eyes and let out a deep, shaky breath. 

"Are you alright?" Jules asked.

Kit nodded, eyes still closed. "Yeah," he mumbled. 

"Are you sure?" Ty asked from behind. He'd unclipped his seatbelt and was now sitting in the middle, leaning both arms against the two front seats. His grey eyes were roaming Kit's face with concern. 

"Yeah," Kit said again, opening his eyes. "That car just came out of nowhere." 

Jules nodded. "It happens sometimes. You can be a great driver and look out for yourself, but there are thousands of other people on the road that you have no control over." 

Kit nodded, taking in his words. Jules watched as Ty leaned over to Kit and placed a kiss against his cheek. Heat flooded Kit's face as a smile crept across his face.

"You'll get it. This is your first lesson." Ty said, sliding his hand into Kit's. He took it gratefully.

Jules bit down on his lip as he took in the faces of the two boys. His younger brother was smitten with Kit, it was obvious. He knew Kit felt the same. It was sweet. 

"Do you want me to drive home?" Jules asked. 

Kit nodded. "Yes please." 

Jules unclipped his seatbelt and got out of the car. As he walked around the front, he grabbed ahold of Kit's arm gently. 

"You did well for your first try." 

"No, I didn't." Kit replied, digging the tip of his sneaker into the dirt. "I barely made it twenty minutes." 

Jules shrugged. "You can't get everything first go."

Kit scoffed. "Coming from you." 

Jules rolled his eyes. "We'll try again tomorrow." 

Kit's eyes lit up. "Really?"

Jules nodded. "Yeah. With a few more lessons you'll be driving like the guys in Grand Theft Auto in no time." 

Kit grinned. "Hell yes! Fast and Furious will have nothing on me."

"Oh God," Jules mumbled as he watched Kit slide himself into the passenger seat. He really needed to stop encouraging Kit and Ty with their dangerous ideas. 

Julian got into the car and clicked his belt into place. 

"All good?" Ty asked from the back seat. 

"Yeah," Jules said, looking at Kit. "All good."

"Hey, Julian?" Kit said from beside him. 

"Yeah?" He replied.

"Thanks for teaching me how to drive," he said, eyes resting on his hands.

"No problem."  Switching on the ignition, he turned slowly to face Kit. "And you can call me Jules, you know?"

Kit couldn't stop the smile that spread across his face. "Okay... Jules." 

Pulling off the curb, the three boys took off driving into the streets of L.A.  

Oh my gosh, I can't believe we've reached 3K reads. Thank you so much to everyone. I adore you all and still have some one-shot ideas to come.  

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