part two

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so as i'm writing this its 15/03/2019 and I found out this morning that fizzy passed away last night from cardiac arrest. I just wanted to say here that my heart is with the tomlinsons, they don't deserve both these tragedies in only two years. I haven't decided whether or not I am going to include her death in this story but for now, im leaning towards no xx


harry woke up completely dazed

the dream was so confusing, especially after talking about him with gemma the night before

he knew that when he got home from school, the first thing he did was call gemma up and tell her all about louis. he didn't know why, but he had a crush on the rude obnoxious football captain who clearly hated his guts so had to tell his sister all about him

he also had a girlfriend, so there's another plus

but what he couldn't remember, was if gemma calling him back an hour and a half after they hung up to tell him louis' sister lottie had literally just called up asking the same was a dream or real life. because if it was real life, lottie said that louis has spoken to her about him, asking her to talk to gemma

harry was so confused

why would lottie ask his sister about him, the fat, shy goody two shoes who her brother hated the guts of... her brother who he was massively crushing on

that's why harry was pretty sure it was a part of his weird dream where the stunning athletic boy fell in love with him. the only reason harry woke up was that he knew that was never going to happen and basically forced himself awake, especially while he weighed as much as he did


louis went into school the next day running on about 1 1/2 to 2 hours sleep. he was up all night fantasizing about the beautiful boy with curly hair that he couldn't get out of his head

he was still thinking about him when he accidentally bumped into someone in the hall, causing them to nearly fall over

'oh shit sorry' they both said in unison

louis looked up and saw the breath-taking emerald green eyes of harry styles and did what he thought he had to do

'oh its you' he said with a scowl that he didn't mean, but like he said, it was a coping mechanism 'watch where you're going next time, yeah?' and he stormed off


harry didn't understand why even though louis went that out of his way to be purely rude to him, he just kept falling harder and harder for him

louis was all he had on his mind all day until last period, french

unfortunately, harry's school had assigned seats, but it was also a very small school, so all year groups mixed around for lessons and in French, he sat facing louis

in the past, louis just pretended to ignore him, although harry had caught him looking at him when he thought he wasn't looking. but then again, harry couldn't talk, he did the exact same

except today was different

louis didn't seem to care whether harry was looking or not and spent about 95% of the lesson staring right at him. this made harry uncomfortable to look back at louis so he had no chance of sneaking a look at the blue eyed boy

the one time harry noticed louis had looked away for a second, he had a quick look at the beautiful boy

his jawline could cut and so could his cheekbones. the slight stubble on this cheeks just made him so much more attractive, and his thin lips just sent harry into overdrive just thinking about how amazing it would be to kiss them

DISCONTINUED! the football captain | larry stylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now