part seven

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last night had been amazing. he'd left harry's quite late because they'd just sat talking and kissing for a long time

louis had asked harry out last night and they were going out after school, but he was worried about school today

he'd woken up super early, around 4am, probably because he was so excited after last night and was now unsure about what school today would bring

when louis had a lot on his mind, he'd either talk to zayn or watch lots of tv, and considering it was extremely early and zayn wouldn't be up, he trotted down the stairs and put on some office uk

he much preferred it to the us version, although zayn wouldn't agree.


harry couldn't sleep after louis left last night. he was shitting himself about what today would bring at school

would louis treat him the same as before? or would he start to treat him like he was last night?

harry wasn't sure what he'd prefer, considering he didn't really like attention and the football captain coming out as gay, especially as he has a 'girlfriend', would definitely attract attention

it was now 7:30 and he had to leave for school in about half an hour, so he decided to text louis

'hey! I had fun last night'

the reply came in very fast

'haha me too! x'

harry felt as if he had to bring up what was going to happen today at school, but he didn't really know how to phrase it nicely, so he just went for it

'what's going to happen at school today then? are things going to change? because the whole school thinks you're straight'


louis was glad harry had texted him, because it was exactly what he was thinking

'I don't know tbh, ive been up since 4am thinking about it. I want to come out and tell people I like you but I know you don't like attention'

louis deleted the last sentence. he didn't want to come across as needy when they're not even together yet

he ended up replacing the sentence with 'should we just keep it secret for a bit? just go back to how we were before in school.'

deep down, he hoped harry would say no, that he wanted to go public, but he knew he wouldn't. but then again, going public would mean he'd be himself in school, and he hadn't done that since primary

'sure, works for me'

he was right.


harry's journey to school with his sister was slightly awkward. he'd avoided every question she asked about louis because he really didn't want to talk about him. he needed to get him out of his head before school

he was kind of upset louis wanted to keep whatever was going on private, but he wouldn't tell anyone because that was just embarrassing. and to be fair, it would mean a lot of unwanted attention, so he was glad that wouldn't be a problem. at least no one would think their precious football captain had stooped to the low levels of dating a shy, overweight nerd

when he got into school, he found niall and sat down with him

'so how was last night then?' the irish boy smirked

'good! we got lots of revision done!' harry lied. he looked at the blonde boy who seemed... disappointed? what had louis said to him yesterday

'what?' harry asked

'I don't know? I was just hoping something would happen between the two of you or something' nailed blushed

'haha! why? he hates my guts!'

'I just assumed because like... he seemed so eager for your number and stuff I just assumed.... never mind' now he was blushing really hard and staring at his feet

did niall really suspect something? it was just making harry want to tell him even more than he already did, but he'd told louis he wouldn't, so he couldn't

talking of louis, as he looked up, harry saw the older boy walking across the school playing fields. he looked so hot.

he was wearing black skinny jeans and a black v-neck t-shirt. just as harry was staring, he turned his head and looked back at him. their eyes locked until they were interrupted by the bell, and harry broke the stare off


this was going to be harder than he thought

just the sight of harry stood with niall looking so incredibly stunning made it so difficult not to run up to the curly haired boy and kiss him in front of everyone, so it was going to be borderline impossible to be mean to him again

first lesson was biology and he had to listen to the dull miss sanders drone on for an hour

shawn, a boy he quite liked on his football team sat behind him, but miss sanders had it out for them. she always gave them behaviour marks in her lessons, so they'd learnt not to talk anymore

louis was generally quite a good student. he was top set in all his classes, about middle of the class, but he could NOT for the life of him understand biology. shawn was about the same

he was still top set, because they were just set for science classes in general (and he was pretty good at physics and chemistry) but that only made his and shawn's test scores look so shit compared to the rest of the class's.

at break, the rest of the football team wanted to go out back and get high behind the netball courts, but louis wasn't in the mood, so he told them he'd go hang out with niall and harry

he wasn't sure why he thought this was a good idea, but he was just craving the sight of harry


harry and niall were just talking about the new marvel film when louis came over

harry could have sworn his heart skipped a beat at the sight of him

he so desperately wanted to run up to him and kiss the living daylights out of him, but niall was there and they were in a public part of school

'hey niall, the boys are all getting stoned round back and im not in the mood. is it cool if I hang out with you?'

'yeah fine by me. harry?' harry could have sworn niall winked at him

'uh.. sure' his eyes met with louis' and he subtly smiled at him before looking away

wow this was going to be hard

suddenly, niall got a text from zayn to meet him at the sport block

'oh shit, zayn needs me. bye you guys. harry, i'll see you in maths'


'bye niall'

now it was just him and louis

'sooooo I know we said we'd keep it lowkey in school, but what about we go find an empty classroom' louis smirked looking down at harry

'absolutely fine by me' he giggled, winking at the older boy


edited II

ugh I hate this chapter again im just feeling like shit as im finishing this and I don't think i'll have time to fix it before i post tonight I just have a lot on my mind rn <3


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