part nine

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louis was so excited for his date tonight. he had decided he was taking harry to a funfair because he'd decided going on a ferris wheel was of the most romantic things you could do on a date, after hot air balloons (which is something he definitely wanted to do with harry at some point)

after school, he'd rushed home so he could catch lottie and fizzy before they went out. he needed some feminine support when choosing his outfit for tonight

they ended up choosing a plain white t-shirt with the black skinny jeans he already had on and his black air force ones and his sisters went out

since their mum died, louis had been in change of his siblings. he loved doing it because he'd grown up helping his mum with them anyway, so taking over wasn't too hard

when he got home, he'd texted harry to say he was picking him up at 6. that meant he had about an hour now to psych himself up and get ready for tonight

he showered, making sure to wash extra clean, just in case. he used his favourite lime shampoo because he loved the way it made his hair smell and brushed it out when he got out the shower

now it was 5:30, so he quickly got dressed and asked daisy and phoebe to help him out with packing a picnic-y tea for his date

he told them it was with eleanor, just because it made it so much easier

they packed a few ham salad sandwiches, two apples, orange juice and a couple flapjacks. louis knew while packing it that harry most likely wont eat much of it, which is why he tried to keep it healthy

he knew he had to at least try and help harry with his problem, which is why all the food he packed was good for you. especially after the soup he and lottie had made last night for him


when harry got home, he got a text through from louis that he'd pick him up at 6. gemma had gone bac to uni after her surprise visit last night after she dropped harry off at school that morning, so he had to facetime her to help him out with an outfit

he was actually feeling quite good about himself today, he hadn't wanted to throw up after louis' soup at lunch and to be honest, he did feel quite good with some food in his system

he and gemma ended up choosing a black t-shirt with some ripped skinny jeans and the mulberry coat he got for Christmas a couple years ago

it had taken about an hour for harry to choose his outfit, so now it was 5:15 and he still had 45 minutes until louis was getting here, so he took a shower

he wanted to smell especially nice tonight, especially if there was a chance something might happen, so he used gemma's strawberry shampoo that shed left behind. harry absolutely adored the smell of it so he rubbed it through his curls (also I don't think i've mentioned but harry's hair is short in the fic, like Dunkirk length <3)

when he got out there was still 20 minutes until louis was due there, so he sat down to catch up on some homework

when louis arrived, it was 5:58 and harry heard the doorbell ring downstairs. he sprinted down the stairs, grabbing his coat and opened the door to an extremely fit looking louis tomlinson

the white top he was wearing almost complimented his figure better than his football kit



when harry opened the door, louis literally felt his heart skip a beat. he was standing in front of him looking so hot in pure black

he couldn't wait to take him on the ferris wheel tonight and kiss him when they got to the top. 

'so, you ready?' louis winked at the younger boy

'yeah, where are we going'

'that's for me to know' louis said, turning around towards the car 'and you to find out'

harry rolled his eyes as louis ran up to the passenger door to open it before harry got there

and harry got in the car, he pecked louis on the cheek which made louis feel weak at the knees

how could one boy drive him so incredibly crazy? but he wasn't just any boy, he was harry styles

the car journey consisted of the boys giggling at some come fly with me references (that show deserved more than one season :( ) and deciding on some music to play on spotify. in the end, harry chose some billie eilish and louis chose sam fender.

louis had really got into sam fender recently and absolutely loved his style of music, it reminded him a bit of the arctic monkeys


he was excited but nervous for his date with louis but now, sat in the car with the captain of the school football team, he didn't care

he didn't care where it was as long as it was with the gorgeous blue eyes boy next to him

after about 15 minutes of driving, harry saw a funfair in the distance. he loved funfairs, but he didn't want to say it out loud because he didn't want louis to think he didn't want to go on whatever date he had planned

but then louis started pulling in to the car park and harry's heart was beating so fast

a funfair? for a first date? the only thing more romantic than kissing at the top of a ferris wheel was kissing in a hot air balloon

'wait, are we going to the funfair?' harry asked trying to hide his excitement

'uh yeah I thought you'd l-' harry cut him off with a kiss

'I love funfairs! ive always dreamt of having my first date at a funfair'


louis was actually very proud of himself for the venue choice

as they walked in, they bought the tokens. of course, harry insisted he pay. louis said no and instead told him he could pay for food

harry agreed gladly, not knowing louis had already prepared


uhhhh this chapter's slow but I got a new phone today!!!

well not really its my mum's old one but it literally took me 3 hours to transfer my picture and then I fell asleep on my phone and they all deleted themselves again


I love y'all

pls vote and comment!!

(ill edit tmrw because I know there's loads of typos)



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