part five

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**trigger warning for part way through this chapter - purging/bulimia**

if you want to read and just avoid the scene, read to the stars, then start again at the stars xx


the feeling of kissing harry was breath taking

their tongues moved in sync with each other and louis didn't want to ever pull away, but they both had to when they heard the front door open downstairs

harry pulled away smiling at louis 'my sister's home, do you want to come meet her?' he said, whispering slightly

'i've already met her, lots of times. she used to babysit me remember?' louis said harshly. he picked up the slightly hurt expression on harry's face. 'sorry, habit I suppose', he mumbled in apology

harry shrugged it off and left the room, sprinting down the stairs. louis followed.

'gemma!!' he squealed, running into the girl's arms

louis recognised her a lot from babysitting, she looked basically the same, except her emo-like fringe was gone, and instead she had shoulder-length hair with blonde balayage

he wasn't sure why, but his whole life louis had loved hair. he'd loved how many hairstyles there were and how may colours you could dye your hair. which was ironic, because all louis ever did with his hair is comb it through a bit in the mornings

maybe that was why he was so attracted to harry then. harry had absolutely gorgeous, shoulder-length, chocolate brown curls that complemented every feature on his perfect face

louis was really falling for harry. fast.


'okay so gemma, this is louis. louis, this is gemma' harry giggled

'I know! I used to babysit remember' gemma playfully whacked harry around the head, causing him to blush

gemma gave louis a hug and whispered something in his ear, but harry didn't hear. he knew it was something embarrassing though, although louis did look at him afterwards with an adorable fond smile that just made harry melt

harry was really falling for louis. hard.


'he definitely likes you, trust me' gemma whispered in his ear, causing louis to smile extremely fondly at the curly boy

he definitely liked him.

harry brought him and gemma into the kitchen, asking whether they wanted stir fry or fajitas

'stir fry' both louis and gemma shouted at the same time

'so you cook?' louis asked harry with a smirk

'uh.. yeah a little' the younger boy blushed as louis started into his eyes. the eye contact made the butterflies in his stomach flutter 'so uh... I better get on with it'

'yeah okay'

'i'm gonna go get on with some stuff for school,' gemma announces to the boys, 'call me when the foods ready'

harry didn't seem to be making enough stir fry for the three of them, but louis didn't think much of it. all he was thinking about was how fucking hot harry looked cooking over the stove

the younger boy dished up two normal sized meals and a very small meal for himself

'do you not want some more?' louis asked, slightly worried about harry

'no i'm okay, I ate before you got here'

'okay, i'll go get gemma' louis said. he was kind of worried about harry's eating, but he decided to trust he'd already eaten

DISCONTINUED! the football captain | larry stylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now