part eight

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a bell rang, signalling break was over cutting their make-out sesh short, but it was okay, because they had their date planned for tonight

harry was extremely excited and spent the rest of the day giddy and energetic, not minding that louis was being horrible to him. partly because he knew he was acting and partly because he still had the events of break on his mind

at lunch the boys had football practice so, like he usually does when practice is on, harry sat on the side-lines cheering everyone on

coach used to hate when harry did this, but he soon warmed up to him (which didn't take long, considering it's harry) and was happy to see the sweet boy there again today

he wasn't planning on having lunch, but louis had stayed behind during warm-ups to give harry a flask of soup. louis had told him it was healthy and only had about 75kcal, so eating it would do nothing but good for him

harry found it very hard to say no to the beautiful boy so took a sip. as he did so, he saw louis' eyes brighten up

right before he ran away to do laps with the rest of the squad louis asked harry if he liked it and harry nodded. as he turned away, he called out 'good, I made it'

harry couldn't help but blush at the fact louis had gone out of his way to make him a healthy lunch

as of he wasn't already falling hard enough for the boy


louis found it hard to concentrate with harry's eyes on him the whole time

in the past, harry never really looked at him, he tended to just watch niall or play games on his phone. but today was different

he usually would end up playing better if harry was there, trying to catch his eye because he'd been crushing on harry for a lot longer than he'd ever admit to anyone, even harry

but the hot boy in the stands having his eyes on only him distracted him, making him struggle to stay concentrated on the oh so important game


harry noticed louis looked at him a lot while he was playing, and was playing a lot sloppier than usual

although he didn't like that louis was playing badly, he couldn't help but have butterflies in his stomach because he knew it was probably him being there that was distracting louis

not that he could talk, he'd been staring at louis the whole time. he looked so hot when he was sweating in his football gear, the top hugged his gorgeous hips and waist perfectly, and the shorts made his crotch more enticing than usual

harry was so ready for tonight, he had chosen his outfit in his head and was genuinely feeling so good about himself today, which was a first in a long long time

soon football practice was over, so harry ran to catch up with niall

'so, what did zayn want earlier?' harry asked

'oh yeah!' niall giggled 'he and liam think something's happening with you and louis too, so he was asking if I knew anything'

harry turned a bright shade of red, and his face heat up. not liam and zayn too now! he could deal with niall's constant questions, he was almost immune to them after being his best friend for so long, but if liam and zayn were on their tails too it could end up being a whole lot harder to keep the whole situation that is making him so incredibly giddy a secret

harry knew he'd need tell louis what niall had said tonight, maybe even hinting he wanted to go public. but he wasn't sure he wanted to. there may be lots of people accepting of them, and although harry's already out and no one seems too homophobic about it, there's always the chance it could be worse off for louis.

there had to be a reason louis had been assigned a beard, and him dating a guy would surely reverse said reason

and the popularity. harry liked his tiny bubble of niall and him, but the mutuality with almost every other student in year eleven. louis had his admirers and his haters, so publicly dating him would surely undo some of those 'almost friendships' he had with other people in his year


edited II

ew short chapter again sorry (slightly less short now after an edit! woop woop x2), but the date chapter tomorrow!!

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DISCONTINUED! the football captain | larry stylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now