part eleven

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if you read the last chapter, its at the start of this one so id suggest skipping forward <3


as the two boys walked up to the big wheel, harry thought he spotted someone out the corner of his eye

he tried to ignore him, hoping he wouldn't spot them but it was too late. harry had seen the back of his blond friends head, he'd turned around

now harry was stood there pretending he couldn't see the boy walking up to louis and him

'louis, niall's here' he whispered violently

harry saw louis quickly snap out of whatever daydream he was in and look up at their friend coming towards them. he looked worried but also sad, maybe even disappointed?

'shit shit fuck crap' louis muttered under his breath

'hey boys! what are you guys doing here? thought you were like arch enemies or something'

niall, niall, niall. always so much energy, never a fucking filter.

'uhhh we... um I was errr- coving ed's candyfloss shift' harry had always been a terrible liar

'I was on a date but we got in a fight right outside the candyfloss place. harry was literally just getting of the shift when we finished fighting so he kinda saw it all go down. we were just about to go get an uber back because its cheaper if we split' harry couldn't believe how smooth a liar louis was. he was probably so good because of all this beard shit


louis had only ever been good at lying in pressured conditions, but when he lied, he lied well. clearly harry wasn't the same but niall seemed pretty content with how their excuses matched

'ah alright. harry I didn't realise ed worked here? I thought he worked a bit more out of town'

'yeah the uh.. company was short on staff for this venue so he asked me if id be cool doing it, so I guess i'm not really covering...'

niall was nodding in agreement. thank fuck this boy either knew what was going on and didn't want to get in the way or was just plain very gullible. louis hoped for the latter, but knowing niall it probably wasn't the case

luckily, the boy didn't press any further

'so i'm on a date too, so i'd offer to split three ways but I might be pulling tonight' both boys rolled their eyes. typical niall. he seemed so innocent, but it was just his charm.

not that it didn't work though

as niall walked off, louis made a mental note to fill eleanor in on their story so she could back it up

louis looked up at harry and saw that the glow that had been there since they went on the waltzer earlier had gone. what had happened? was niall turning up a bigger problem than he'd thought? but why would it be?


uhhhhhhh i guess i lied about writing more. i'm really not in the mood to write at the moment and i'm not sure why

this chapter is literally just a tiny bit added onto last chapter as an excuse to post this message at the end rather than in an a/n

i don't think i'll update for a while. i'm sorry, i just really don't know where this should go or anything.

i might write another fic in the future and just ditch this all together but, like i said i may update in the future

this isn't necessarily discontinued right now, but it most likely won't be updated any time soon

i'm so sorry!!


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