part three

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harry liked to do his homework while listening to music

his playlist consisted of free falling by john mayer, shine on you crazy diamond by pink floyd, lego house by ed sheeran, paradise by coldplay and some beatles songs

he was in the middle of singing at the top of his voice to 'twist and shout' by the beatles and doing his algebra homework when his phone buzzed

he looked at it to see an unknown number with 'hey harry'

'who's this? x' harry responded

'louis.' harry blushed at the response. louis fucking tomlinson, the school football team captain had just texted him.

'so where abouts do you live, I need to study this evening and get it over with'

of course he was rude. it wouldn't be louis tomlinson if he wasn't. expecting everything to just happen to his command, when and where he wanted

but harry couldn't help but be excited for the chance of him coming over. he didn't really know why louis really wanted to come round, because he knew the french excuse was a lie, but any reason was okay with him and he sent him over his address


louis didn't actually expect harry to send his address, saying he was actually free that evening, he was just trying to keep up his rude act insisting that this 'study session' happened tonight. he wasn't actually ready to see harry outside of school but he was committed now, and told him he'd be over in about an hour

that was an hour to make himself look good and choose a good outfit, so, after a good twenty minutes of struggling, he walked across the hallway to lottie's room and they figured out an outfit in about ten minutes and sorted out his hair in five

louis tended to get worried about people pulling out on plans, and now he was ready leave with a good 25 minutes before he needed to be at harry's. that means 25 minutes for harry to decide he didn't want to hang out with the rude boy he'd barely spoken to before

louis started to panic when his sister fizzy walked in, noticing his sign of an anxiety attack. she held him in his arms, hugging him until he calmed down, then offered to call eleanor. if only she knew...

louis turned down the offer, but hugged his sister thank you before picking up his keys and heading to the door. harry lived about 15 minutes away from him so he'd probably turn up on time, maybe a little late but that was all great for this act he was trying so hard to keep up to avoid embarrassment

in the car he had a long time to think of what he wanted to happen that evening. he came up with the plan that he'd just study. that's what harry thought his intentions were so that's all he was going to do...


the hour before louis got to his house was one of the longest hours of harry's life. he tried on many different outfits, hoping to look his best for louis (even if it was just a study session) but everything he tried on just made him look fat and ugly, so he resorted to face-timing his older sister gemma

she helped him decide on an outfit and calmed him down when he started to worry about his weight, gemma knew exactly the right things to say to get him feeling okay about himself again

harry was extremely excited to see louis, even though there was a large chance louis would end up being mean to him, and he definitely didn't like him back


louis had been sat in harry's driveway for about 5 minutes, hopefully no one could see him because he was just sat in his car going over what he was going to say to harry. truth is, those 5 minutes had done nothing but work him up and make him almost more panicked than he was

louis took a deep breath, picked up his french textbook and got out of his car. as he neared the door he could feel the panic inside him, but he didn't know why he was so worked up. it was only harry. harry was known for being completely sweet and unproblematic so he wouldn't be anything but nice to him

louis wished he could say the same about himself


harry heard a knock at the door

'i'll get it!' his mum called from downstairs

harry sprinted down the stairs and was greeted with his mum looking questionly at louis. louis looked at harry and smiled at him

'harry? who's this?' anne asked and both boys blushed looking down at the floor

'this is louis, he's captain of niall's football team. he's in my french class so we're just going to do some revision for a test next week'

anne nodded it the boys, giving harry an 'are you sure you're only friends?' kind of look

when they got upstairs, they sat in silence for a bit. until harry spoke up

'so.. uh... french?'

'oh yeah so um I was kind of struggling with the future tense verbs and stuff' louis stuttered, still reeling from his daydreams


louis and harry had been working for just over an hour. it kind of ended up with louis teaching harry, which made a lot more sense since louis actually knew what he was doing

harry actually found studying with louis fun, because he kept cracking jokes and wasn't at all mean to him like usual, which meant time was actually flying by very fast

'what about we take a bit of a break and play truths? I wanna get to know you' louis spoke up

'what's truths?' harry asked

'basically we ask each other questions, and if you cant answer the question, you ask me a question. if I can answer that question I win, but if not we keep playing'

'okay lets play then'

harry was kind of nervous to play with louis because they barely knew each other, and up until today louis didn't seem to like him at all


edited II

soooo that's that chapter done. im kind of feeling like my writing quality has completely plummeted in the past few days because I want to be able to post consistently and grow an audience so im really sorry if its kind of shit xx


DISCONTINUED! the football captain | larry stylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now