part ten

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uhhh so its finally here! im on holidays so im planning on prewriting a few chapters. I want to post daily again because I wanna keep whatever active readers I may have.

if this chapter isn't really continuous with the rest of the story im sorry, its been over a week since I last wrote and I haven't reread since!! i'll try edit at some point

anyway its date chapter time! sorry about the inactivity!!


louis was actually very proud of himself for the venue choice

as they walked in, they bought the tokens. of course, harry insisted he pay. louis said no and instead told him he could pay for food

harry agreed gladly, not knowing louis had already pre-prepared that aspect

he was so nervous for this date he could literally feel his palms getting sweaty. he started to think that harry was only there because he was a nice guy, not wanting to upset anyone and not because he wanted to hang out with louis and louis didn't want to seem clingy if that was the case. why else wouldn't harry want to go public?

'so where first?' the curly haired boy had asked him with a slight smile

he was just so beautiful. of course louis had to be right, harry would never go on a date with him if he thought he had a choice

'uhh I don't mind' louis replied coldly. he didn't want harry to think he was desperate and needy, so he'd decided he'd go with the whole "I don't give a shit" attitude


louis had seemed so happy on the ride here, but now he just seemed off. he seemed almost as if he didn't want to be there, which didn't make sense considering it had been louis that had organised it

he wasn't sure whether or not to ask louis about it, but settles with  maybe he's just tired

the two boys walked through the bustling fair until they passed the waltzer. harry loved that ride

'oh my god louis! they have a waltzer!!' he couldn't hide his excitement 'can we go on it'

he looked up at the quiet boy who's eyes were just as stunning as always. harry watched as the older boy's lips turned up into a smile and he nodded his head

the younger boy grabbed the older boy's hand, asking him for the tokens and jumping round with happiness

to be honest, he didn't even like the ride itself that much. it made him feel very sick and as quite boring, but the memories of this ride at his local steam fair when he was young completely outsold those problems.

harry had used to go on the waltzer every sunday with him.

it was the only time they every saw each other, until he was 10 and he didn't show up once.

harry had waited for 3 hours after he was supposed to arrive, hoping he'd turn up at some point. neither he or his mum had any way of contacting him so all he could hope was that he turned up

he never did.

as harry had stood there, in the autumn cold, he had  been thinking about his life with his dad. it was weird to him that he could only see him once a week for 4 hours, and that they always did the same thing

his relationship with his dad wasn't terrible up to that day, although, what 10 year old has a bad relationship with their dad?  he hadn't ever done anything that massively pissed harry off except insist they went on the same ride every week. the waltzer.

DISCONTINUED! the football captain | larry stylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now