part six

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uhhh sorry this upload's late I thought i'd prewritten it but it deleted itself smh


he didn't care that gemma was still behind him, and leaned in to kiss the shorter boy

it was somehow even better than the first time. their lips and tongues moving in sync with each other.

so when gemma reminded them she was still there with a very unsubtle cough, and louis pulled away with a shy smile, harry was left still wanting more

'ehem' she coughed behind them, making harry turn his head

harry could feel his face heating up and turned to louis and saw his was doing the same. louis smiled at him as their eyes met and harry melted at that one small action

'right, sorry gems' harry smiled sheepishly at his sister 'erm, we'll go upstairs? yeah?'

'fine by me' louis mumbled, smirking, but harry caught it and blushed even more


the kiss had been amazing. harry tasted a bit like vomit but it was still the best kiss louis had ever had, and he didn't really notice it anyway

as soon as he pulled away, he instantly regretted it. fuck gemma, all he wanted to do was kiss harry

the two boys ran up the stairs and sat on the bed. louis looked into harry's eyes and was drawn right back in again

he felt harry's hand at the back of his head, pulling his face towards his own and soon they were kissing

it did exactly the same to him as the last kiss had done, leave him weak in the knees and wanting more

harry was the most beautiful boy he'd ever met, and he was also the sweetest, most caring and friendliest person he'd ever met and the best kisser he'd ever kissed too


harry loved all this kissing, but why did louis only yesterday hate him? why had his feelings toward harry changed so much in the course of a day.

this was really bothering him as they sat talking meaninglessly between kisses that left butterflies in his stomach and goosebumps on his skin

'uh, louis?' his voice gruff and low

'yeah' louis smiled at the younger boy

the smile made his so happy he almost didn't care about the question he was about to ask

almost. not quite

'uh, I was er wondering' harry looked down at the floor 'why did your feelings toward me change like um so fast?'

louis laughed sweetly at the question 'they never changed, harry. i've liked you for so long, admiring from a distance. I always just assumed you wouldn't like me back considering you're so sweet and charming and beautiful and im just.. me? so I started being rude to you just so i'd never be embarrassed and slip up and do something  that would make you think I like you when you don't like me back'

'oh' harry smiled at the boy, slightly flattered by what he'd just heard, 'alright then'


louis felt so much better getting that off his chest, especially to the gorgeous green eyed boy sat in front of him

'oh and for the record, I like you back' harry smiled, looking at louis and all he could do was smile back

they sat in comfortable silence for a bit, content with what the both of them had just admitted, until louis broke it with a thought he'd had for a while, but didn't have the confidence to share

'hey harry?' he mumbled, not sure if he had the courage to ask

'yep?' harry's smile bright as he looked up at him

'would you want to go on a date with me?' louis was hoping he'd say yes, but he didn't think he would. he could have just said he liked him back to be nice, because that's what he's known for right? or he'd think he was clingy or maybe-

harry cut off louis thoughts

'of course'

Edited I

ew im so sorry this is literally only 550 words (now 716 bc i edited it woop woop) I am just so annoyed that this chapter got deleted

im going to the gym early tomorrow and its 11:15 so im literally about to post this when I finish writing this a/n but im extremely sorry this is super short <3

ily all


DISCONTINUED! the football captain | larry stylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now