part four

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'so you wanna ask the first question?'

'yeah okay'

harry didn't know what to ask because he'd never played this game before. he didn't know how personal he was supposed to get so he just asked the first question hat popped into his head

'so how many siblings do you have? other than lottie of course'

'i have 6 actually. 5 sisters and one brother and they're all younger than me' louis seemed pretty okay with his question so harry started to relax a bit. but six siblings?! harry thought having just gemma was bad enough

'wow okay haha, your turn' harry smiled. he was becoming slightly more comfortable with the older boy

'hmm okay umm... favourite person on the football team? apart from niall of course' louis looked at harry with a look telling him he better say him

'probably liam, or zayn. theyre both really sweet' harry was partly teasing, although louis hadn't really been that nice to him up until now, so it wasn't an unfair comment

'ugh! excuse me!' louis giggled. harry couldn't help but melt a little at how cute he was when he laughed. how his eyes crinkled up in the corners when he smiled.

'hey! that's fair! you've been rude to me up until now!'

louis sighed, 'yeah I know, im sorry about that I just didn't really know you that well'


harry had probably caught on that this was bullshit, because louis was shit at lying. but he just replied with a 'yeah that's fair'

the questions carried on for another 20 minutes or so, getting progressively more personal, but nothing too far until harry whipped up a surprising question.

'have you ever looked at someone in that way while dating eleanor' louis noticed harry blushing a bit and looking down at the floor after he asked that question

he probably wasn't sure if the question was crossing any boundaries and that's why he was embarrassed, louis told himself. he doesn't like him. why would harry like him? he had no reason to

'yes' he mumbled and harry looked up at him. for a second their eyes met and louis just felt at home

but harry pulled away, asking 'who?'

'nope! its my go' louis laughed off the question. he couldn't tell harry what was going on in his head. no way! he couldn't tell him eleanor was a beard, or that he was gay, or that he liked harry

but he just wanted to so bad

he wanted to let this curly haired boy into his life and vent to him and be his boyfriend and kiss him and hug him and snuggle on the sofa and watch netflix with him

but he didn't have the guts to tell him the truth

so they continued to play the game for another 5 minutes, finding out lots of innocent details about eachother and just getting to know the other person


harry was quite enjoying the game. he knew about jay, so he'd avoided the subject and subsequently had got to know a lot more about louis than he ever knew before, but he was getting bored

harry wanted some more interesting questions to answer and he had a lot to ask but he didn't have the guts

that was until louis asked a very out of the blue question, and harry instantly regretted wishing for something more fun

'are you gay?'

as the words came out of louis' mouth harry started to panic. he'd been so open about his sexuality in the past and basically everyone knew he was, but for some reason harry couldn't bring himself to come out to the blue eyed boy with the chiselled features sat in front of him

DISCONTINUED! the football captain | larry stylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now