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Um, what makes you think you can hold my hand?" you wondered with furrowed eyebrows as soon as you felt Yoongi's hand holding yours.
"Please" he whispered by your side.
Your head snapped up immediately, feeling a shiver running down your spine once your eyes met his pleading ones. It must have been really important if you had him practically begging instead of answering with one of his usual snarky comments.
He sighed in relief after you stopped trying to break free from his touch, taking it one step further and interlocking his fingers with yours – having to try his hardest to conceal the smile threatening with curving up his lips at how pleasant it felt to be that way with you... way nicer than he had ever imagined.
"She's looking over here and I don't want her to come close" he explained after watching your furrowed eyebrows, only to visibly leave you even more confused. "The girl from first year who has a crush on me?" he refreshed your memory.
"Oh" you let out loudly, looking around for said girl in the crowd of people, "the one you had to show around campus last month?"
Yoongi nodded his head. "And the one who won't leave me alone now".
You finally found her in the crowd, by the popcorn cart with who you thought were her friends. And maybe you shouldn't have, considering how uncomfortable she made Yoongi, but you couldn't help but feel like going up to hug her after having caught a glimpse of her sad eyes when she saw you next to Yoongi... more specifically, after her dark eyes had travelled down to your interlocked fingers.
"She's actually so pretty" your words slipped out of your tongue before you could stop them, staring in complete awe at the girl, "I would date her" you gazed up to him.
"Not interested" he shrugged, giving her one last cold look before his grip tightened on you, turning around and dragging you somewhere else with him.
"Yoongi, that was so mean" you breathed out in disbelief, "she looked so sad".
He bit the inside of his cheek, not bothering on looking at you as he kept on walking. To be honest, he couldn't care any less. "She's driving me out of my mind".
"Like me?" you chuckled by his side, and although your words were meant to taunt him, what you got instead was a shake of his head and a small smile taking over his factions.
"That's different" he mumbled; internally thanking the loud environment caused by the fair surrounding you, for that had been the reason you weren't questioning him right then.
You flinched at the booming screams as you were passing by the rollercoaster, unconsciously tightening your hold on him. "Let's just keep looking for the rest now" you made sure to say loud and clear enough for him to hear you.
"They won't pick up their phones, Y/N. They abandoned us" he answered just as loud, making you puff your cheeks at his words. "Let's get over it and go on some ride or something".
When your friends, all of them who were in established relationships, asked you to go with them that night to the local fair that would be next to your campus for a whole month, you should've known better than to accept just like that. Especially since you knew Yoongi would be there, too, like he always would whenever you hung out with the rest, for you knew not only were you about to third wheel everyone, but you were also exposing yourself to be left alone with him.
Then again, maybe that was the reason you agreed to go all along – you were just too stubborn and caught up ignoring your own feelings to ever admit it.
So, it really shouldn't have been a surprise at all when they took off and let the two of you alone to wander around. However, that didn't mean you weren't mad at them.
"Okay..." you agreed in a softer voice, having no other choice but to follow him as he guided you through the people. "You can let go now" you spoke up again.
"Of my hand" you squeezed his hand to let him know he was still holding yours. "The girl is nowhere near now".
"Oh" he huffed, immediately yet reluctantly letting go of it, "right".
Truth be told, if you hadn't called him out on it, he would've kept on holding your hand for the rest of the night. A part of you knew that, and was scolding you for having reminded him of it.
Later that night, however, you realised that had not been your only chance at being close to him anyway, since he would find one way or another to casually touch you from time to time.
The second time that night he held your hand was pretty smooth, and you had not even noticed his intentions. The two of you had decided to give the House of Horror a go and, once inside, as you were walking around with a group of your classmates you had ran into while you waited in line, he grabbed your hand tightly and pulled you towards his body, with the excuse of you drifting further away from him with each passing second, and how he was not about to lose you to the crowd and then spend the next hour of his life looking for you. You didn't question him; feeling safe with him right then. He held you so close you could feel the air leaving his nose with every breath he took, and so this time it was you the one mentally thanking your surroundings, for the darkness of the place allowed you to hide just how flustered the closeness and warmth of his body had made you right then.
Yoongi did not let go of you the whole time, if anything, he took every single chance he got to keep you close, to the point by the second you finally made it out of the attraction, he was hugging you from behind; his hands remaining locked over your stomach while yours held his, since you had searched for his comfort only moments before when one of the terrifying actors, whose figure was all covered in blood, had gotten way too close to you.
You didn't question his intentions either the third time, when you begged him to go on the Pirate Ship with you and he pulled his arm around your shoulders, motioning later with his hand for you to hold it again. Given the way he screeched after the ride had started, letting you know just how much he wasn't enjoying it, you kind of understood why he had wanted to hold you close all along.
It was after that you started noticing his real intentions, when you wouldn't stop laughing at him once you got off the ride, telling him how much of a wimp he was and having him look away from you in clear annoyance – your laugh only coming to an end when the cold air of the night hit your body, having you hugging your own body as you shivered.
"You cold over there?" he teased with a smirk, gazing over to you.
You glared at him, softly shoving off his body with your shoulder. What you were not expecting at all, after he had shoved you off as well, of course, was for him to position himself in front of you, blocking your way before he unfolded your arms from your body, cupping your cold hands in between his so he could try and warm them up with his own.
Your eyes travelled up to him, taking in his focused expression – his eyebrows knitting slightly together and his lips forming a cute pout that had you fighting against yourself not to kiss him right then. That last thought had you cursing yourself in your head at how hard he was making it for you to ignore what you had been feeling for months now. You were supposed to fight him, to make him feel ashamed he was touching you so comfortably, like you had been doing previously that night. But you couldn't bring yourself to do it right then... not when it felt so good to have him this close.
"You want some coffee?" he offered after feeling you shiver one more time, staring across the fair to one specific food truck – luckily for you, not noticing the way you had been so immersed by him the whole time.
Without giving him a spoken answer, your hand tightened on his, taking him completely by surprise and stealing a gummy smile of his as you dragged him over where he had been looking at.
"I'm taking your excitement as a yes then" he chuckled, trying to turn his semblance into a blank one when you turned around to look at him.
"Oh, hush" you gave him a glare, slowing down so you could be next to each other. "I'm all about free coffee, especially on such cold nights like this".
Yoongi rolled his eyes, having no choice but to let go of your hand when you had reached the coffee truck and it was the moment to take out his wallet and pay. It didn't last for too long, though, because as soon as you took the cup of coffee in one of your hands, he made sure to grab his with the opposite one, only so he could intertwine his fingers with yours for what felt like the hundredth time that night. Not like you were complaining. If anything, you smiled contently, enjoying the warmth his touch was providing you with.
He mirrored your expression immediately, covering it by taking a sip of his americano when your eyes met his. It felt nice, being able to do this freely, without any questions being asked. That's why he found himself being so puzzled when you withdrew from his touch out of the blue, so quickly it almost felt like it was burning you... like you suddenly regretted ever letting him touch you.
"Why'd you let go?" he frowned.
You tilted your head towards the long line to one of the rides. "She was looking at us".
Yoongi squinted his eyes, following your ones to where the one and only girl from first year was standing – her eyes already fixed on both of you, seeming like she wasn't looking away any time soon.
"Even more of a reason not to let go!" he turned to look at you, reaching out to interlock your fingers one more time, but not succeeding as you hid them behind your back.
"But she looked so sad before" you pouted, "I don't want to be the reason her heart breaks".
"It's just a crush, you idiot" he huffed, "we haven't even talked that much, there's no chemistry" he tugged at the fabric of your sweater to pull your hand away from your back – his digits tracing gently over yours. "Please, I just want her to leave me alone".
Your eyes travelled over to the younger girl for a brief second, making her finally snap her head the other way. "Maybe you could give her a chance" you shrugged – ignoring your heart screaming at you right then not to give him such ideas.
Yoongi scoffed, not believing your words. "I obviously don't like her".
"But she likes you" you pointed out.
"And you don't?"
You froze completely at the words that had just abandoned his mouth, feeling so little under his piercing stare; one that let you know he was not backing out from this.
"Well?" he urged when you had done nothing but stare at him for way more time than he would've liked to.
"I– um..." you nervously cleared your throat, "do you like me?"
Yoongi let out a humourless laugh, shaking his head in disbelief. Of course you were turning this around on him. "Excuse me? I asked you first".
You puckered your lips up tauntingly. "You're the one who's been making up excuses to hold my hand all night long".
"I don't recall you complaining" he fought back.
"I did at first" you reminded him, "and you're still the one who started it every time".
"Because–" he snapped for a second there, having you raise one of your eyebrows questioningly after he had so bluntly stopped himself mid sentence.
"Because what, Yoon?" you crossed your arms over your chest.
Yoon. You really had to call him that in that particular moment? It was like you knew it would fluster him and make him inevitably cool down.
Running a hand through his hair out of frustration, he let his arms fall by his sides, taking a deep breath before he felt confident enough to let everything out.
"Because I like you... like, a lot..." he confessed in a voice that turned out to be softer than he intended to, "and I like holding hands..." his eyes gazed down and away from you, "and combining those two things together feels kind of ama– nice..."
It was impossible for you not to let out a shaky, nervous laugh that had his heart skipping a beat in a second.
"Good" you nodded your head, trying to play it cool, like your heart was not pounding so loudly against your chest in that exact moment, "because I like you, too".
Yoongi smiled brightly. "A lot?" he pushed it, at which you rolled your eyes overdramatically.
"I guess you could say that" you teased him.
"Good" he mocked your previous reaction, taking one step closer to you and cupping your face with the hand he was not holding his coffee with. "Because you know what this means?" he wondered with a mischievous smile that made you raise one of your eyebrows, silently asking him to go on, "I get to kiss you now".
You bit down on your lower lip, feeling a massive wave of heat reaching your cheeks. "Not when we're in front of the whole campus" you reminded him, glancing over to your sides as you had just then remembered you were in public, "especially not with that poor girl being right over there".
Yoongi stuck his lower lip out – a shiver, that was not precisely caused by the cold night, running down your spine when his thumb tenderly traced over your lips. "She'll see us together all the time from now on anyway".
"Oh?" you tilted your head slightly back, bringing your cup up to your lips. "We're together now?" he glared at you as you took a long, slow sip of your coffee.
"We are" he confirmed, watching your lips curve up into a smile behind the cup currently covering them. "Now give me your lame hand so I can take you out of here and kiss you properly".
"Call my hand lame one more time" you threw him a threatening glare, "I dare you".
By the cocky look on his face, however, you knew he was not backing out from this, particularly when he confidently said: "Your hands are lame. Both of them".
You should've seen it coming.
"Well then" you sighed dramatically, taking a step back and away from him, "I guess you won't be kissing my lame lips any time s–"
Your words were cut off by his lips pressing briefly and chastely on yours, leaving your mouth slightly agape in utter astonishment after he pulled away and licked his own.
"I just got a taste of your lips and I don't believe they're lame at all" he smirked.
"Oh, but these hands you've been holding the whole night are?!"
He shook his head, allowing a small laugh to escape his throat before he grabbed your hand for once and for all. He loved bickering with you, so much it could easily be the highlight of his days, but he had found out right then he loved kissing you even more; and he'd much rather have your mouth shut and moving against his than to have it throwing snarky comments back and forth, which is why he was not wasting any other second to walk you back to your dorm so he could do just that after all this time.

this. took. so. long. but it was worth it hehe.

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