-Saved- (Adi x reader)

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-(Y/N) POV-

'' No one cares about you!! Your ugly and a bitch!!'' yelled Ashley ( sorry if that's your real name) She kicked me in the stomach as I tried to pick up all my stuff that fell. Ashley leaned in close to my ear,

 '' No body would even notice if  you were dead.'' She whispered as she pushed me to the floor.  I honestly hated you life and everything about it. The only thing I didn't hate is when I was  hanging out with my best friends Nick and Jojo. Sadly they already left school for the day and I was  there getting bullied, again. I walked home lugging my heavy ass backpack home.

 ''Hey mum.'' I said as you opened the door to my house. 

''SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!'' she yelled back. I went to my room before she came out drunk and start beating you. Ever since my dad died, my mom started drinking more often and blamed me for his death. I lied on my bed staring at the ceiling when I got a text.  

Jojo: Hey (Y/N/N). Adi told me what happened at school. You gud?

yeah cause i could get beaten up and still be fine

(Y/N): No.My mom's drunk. And I have a bunch of stuff I need to finish. 

Jojo: well, Im filming for free time. Me and Nick can help u with anything when we finish.

(Y/N): sure, I'll see ya

Jojo: see ya

_____THE NEXT DAY______

''HEYA BITCH'' I knew that voice instantly. Ashley. I ignored her and continued to talk to Nick and Jojo, as Adi was getting his stuff from his locker. 

''Hey don't you know your own name! Makes sense you are just a stupido!'' Ashley yelled as her squad laughed. 

'' Don't call me that.'' I said quietly under your breath.

 ''What you say to me. I cant hear you over all that ugliness you call yourself.'' She snapped back. Adi slammed his locker shut and glared at her 

''She said don't call her that.'' Adi replied blankly. I couldn't believe he was standing up for you. Adi was amazing but he shouldn't be fighting my  fights. I grabbed his arm pulling him backwards,

 ''Adi its fine.'' 

''no its not. I cant just stand there and not do anything while she calls you dumb and ugly. She does that all the time and I just can't stand it anymore. Because your not dumb or ugly or a bitch. Your smart, beautiful, and the most amazing person I have ever met.''

 By now he was holding your hands as you guys stared into each others eyes. The bell rang as most of the kids started going to their classes. Ashley and her group left which left Me, Adi, Nick, and Jojo out in the hall.

 "Did you really mean that?" I asked him. 

"Of course I did." Adi was still staring into your eyes when he leaned in and kissed you.  You both pulled away and just smiled at each other.

 ''I love you.'' The following week has been calmer since somebody (Probably Jojo or Nick) told the front that Ashley's been bulling me. Adi helped me talk to my mom instead of running away in fear while I always have the others to support me 24/7. I guess I was saved by the right man at the right time.

Second story, lets go! so yeah... 

stayed up till 10 writing this. OOF


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