Chapter 16- Pieros

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Adrien and Marinette sat back down in their seats, accompanying their friends once more. "Good timing!" Alya stated as the waitress came over with 2 plates and placed them in front of Alya and Nino "carbonara and spaghetti... You're pizza in on the way" Rita exclaimed with a smile and Adrien quickly smiled back "gracias". The waitress nodded and replied "de nada" before heading back to the kitchen. Soon after their sharing pizza arrived, it was bigger than they had earlier imagined! 

Alya picked up her glass of coke and held it proudly in the air "to 4 teenage best friends having enough money to go abroad and eat out! Cheers!" Nino and Marinette giggled and quickly held up their glasses, clinking them with Alya's, but Adrien hesistated before clinking his. He didn't understand why they were toasting over that... Maybe coming from a wealthy background and being friends with a bakers daughter, a hotel chef's daughter and a builders son wasn't the brightest of moves as he didn't understand half of the jokes they made, but on the other hand they weren't snobby and didn't have their heads up in the clouds. They were kind and considerate. He loved his friends so much and wouldn't trade them for the world. 

They all took a sip from their drinks and dug in, enjoying their meal. 

Hours after a tasty meal and jokes that filled the night sky with laughter and joy, the group of friends walked through the town, taking in their surroundings. It was beautiful in Fuerteventura and if you thought Paris was the most beautiful city in the world, you could most likely guess again! As they walked an echo of laughter and music from afar could be heard. "Do you guys hear that?" Adrien asked, bewildered. "Yeah!" Marinette replied, curious and filled to the brim with anticipation. "Let's go check it out!" 

Nino checked the time "but dudes it's almost 9... We needed to be back at the hotel for-" Alya covered his mouth with her hand as Marinette and Adrien ran ahead, trying to investigate the sounds. "don't ruin my ship" she muttered quietly before running after them "guys wait up!" 

Nino stood there confused for a minute before smiling, shaking his head and running after them. They came across a bar called 'Pieros'. They had a small stage and people from the audience was going up and grabbing mics- "Hey this is that place we saw earlier- Oooh they're doing karaoke!" Alya exclaimed. The 3 friends took a seat and looked around at their surroundings whilst Alya went to the karaoke bar. "I almost didn't recognise it in the dark" Adrien stated as he leant on the table. The place was basically packed, there were so many bright and colourful lights and so much music and laughter. What a joyous place to be in. Alya returned to the table and sat next to Nino with a smug look on her face. 

"Next up Adrien and Marinette!" The two's eyes widened and Alya cheered "woo go on girl stand up!!" Adrien stood and held out his hand to help Marinette, they shyly made their way to the karaoke stand and recieved mics. 

People clapped and cheered as they always did as the two stood on stage hand in hand, blushing timidly. "WOO WELL DONE GUYS!" Alya screamed from her table, standing on her chair waving her phone in the air in joy. 

Adrien looked down at their hands and blushed.

"We do sound good...together." he thought to himself... 

(A/N- Hey guys thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, it's a little longer than usual but when you get inspired you just can't stop xD Sorry for the lack of updates. I've been busy working in college and off ill but I'll try to update more. Vote for this chapter if you enjoyed and comment down below what your favourite part was. Thank you again for reading- Peace!)

Word count: 567

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