Chapter 34- No more lies.

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Adrien walked up the stairs and slammed open the door to Lila, Chloe and Nathaniel's apartment complex, causing Nethaniel to stand in shock at the sudden entry and the girls to widen their eyes and freeze. 

"Lila!" He shouted, the very sound of it leaving his mouth only making him more mad. The sound was as sharp and venomous as the viper it was aimed at.  

She closed her eyes before putting on an upset expression and standing up. "What's wrong Adrien?" She looked concerned

"What did you say to Marinette? Why is she avoiding me?" 

Lila couldn't help but smirk to herself, her plan was actually working. 

"Lila what did you do-" Nethaniel asked tiredly, like he was used to saying it but tired of doing so. 

"Nothing-" she began in her innocent voice.

"Stop lying! You pulled Marinette aside on the beach, said something to her and from that point on she's been weird with us all!" Adrien yelled as he walked towards Lila, subconsciously making her step back. She wasn't used to seeing Adrien angry- at all. None of them were. 

"So that's why you wanted to go to the beach-" Nethaniel folded his arms looking at Lila disappointedly. She looked between the 2 boys in front of her and then looked at Chloe, who was high-tailing it out of the room, clearly petrified by Adrien's demeanor. "What did you say?!" Adrien shouted again before Lila also shouted out, clearly beginning to get fed up by him being so in her face. 

"I can't say! Alright?" She shoved past the two and sat on the back of the couch. "I made a deal with her-" 

"Nethaniel" Adrien stated blankly making Nethaniel quickly look up. "Get Chloe and leave. You can go to my apartment. Do not go into the bedroom at any point, what so ever. Do you understand?"

Nethaniel nodded and went into the bedroom to get Chloe before leading her out of the apartment complex. As soon as the door shut Adrien turned his attention back to Lila. "what deal." 

She began to look a little frightened. "I told you, I can't say-" 

"What deal Lila?!" he began shouting again and stepped closer to her making her fall out of fear off the back of the couch and onto the actual seats "I know her secret okay?!" she exclaimed as she held her hands in front of herself in a defensive manner, the once viper seeming more like a beetle on it's back now. 

"So that's what it was. Blackmail." he looked disgusted. "And since she's been off with me and ignoring me I'm gonna go ahead and say that it was to stay away from me or else you'll let her secret out- hm?" He looked at her with more pity in his eyes now. "I'll take your silence as a yes." 

He took a step closer, causing Lila to sit up and crawl backwards into the arm of the couch. "It's a shame really Lila, I do feel bad for you. I'm not interested in you or Chloe in the slightest. Chloe is my childhood friend and you're a known liar. Even if you did spill about her secret- nobody would ever believe you. So how about you but out of mine and Marinette's relationship and focus on maybe fixing your repuation before you take on something as big and bold as blackmailing the hero of paris" 

"y-you know?-" Lila stammered, feeling as if she had completely lost her high ground. 

"You leave us alone from now on, and if anything does come out I will personally make you regret it. Understood?" He looked at her in silence until she anxiously nodded. "Good." 

And with that he left the apartment and headed down the stairs to tell Marinette the news. 

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