Chapter 26- Icy Treats

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"I trust you."

Adrien blushed timidly at Marinette's words as he stepped off of the wooden path that was implemented towards the stairs of the beach and started his journey towards the sun loungers. Broken shells and bits of sand seeped into his sandals, scratching the bottom and sides of his feet, but he didn't care.

He would much rather be protecting his lady and keeping her from harm than know she's in pain.

Once he had reached a sun lounger he turned around so that Marinette could step straight on to it. Once she was safely standing on it he turned to face her, their faces inches apart.

"uh- T-thank you Adrien!" Marinette stammered due to how close they were to one another. Adrien smiled softly and responded. "Of course, anytime Marinette."

Nino soon arrived with Alya on his back, both of them carrying 2 ice creams. "We got ice cream!" Alya exclaimed as she jumped off of Nino's back onto the sun lounger beside Marinette and passed her a twister.

"I mean, it's no André Glacier- but it's still really good!" Alya added on, she'd already gotten half way through her fab lolly. Marinette giggled and opened her treat. She'd never tried a twister before-

Nino looked at Marinette's treat as he nibbled at his ice cream cone, perplexed. "Dude, I don't get it. Is it an ice lolly or an ice cream? 'Cause that red part looks like an ice lolly, but the white is definitely ice cream!" he thought aloud before taking a bite of his flake.

Marinette licked her iced treat and Nino waited for an answer. "hmm, it's both!" she happily enjoyed her treat, it was fruity and creamy all at the same time, definitely a new-found favourite!

"hmm, could I try?" Adrien blurted out. He wasn't really thinking about what he was saying. Marinette widened her eyes and blushed slightly before nodding and holding out the twister towards Adrien.

Alya and Nino smirked at the two and watched as they shared the treat.

Suddenly Adrien's eyes had widened in awe. "That's so good!" Marinette smiled at him as he opened his own lolly. It was a mr bubble. He gasped and looked up at Nino. "You got my favourite ice lolly!"

"Of course I did bro, how could I forget?" Nino smirked as he delved back into his treat. Adrien smiled brightly, clearly ecstatic and turned his attention back to Marinette who was making a note on her phone.

'Adrien's favourite ice lolly- Mr Bubble'

"What are you writing, Mari?" Adrien enquired, not being able to read what she was typing. Alya peered over Marinette's shoulder and smirked lightly before responding. "Oh she's just texting her mum... Now, I say we get a beach ball and go into the sea! I'm sure they'll be more sand there!" she smiled brightly.

"Okay!" Nino responded, now chewing the last of his wafer cone. He helped Alya back on his back. "We'll go get a beach ball while you two finish up." Alya stated.

"uh, okay dude. Be back soon!" he held on to Alya's legs and rushed off towards the nearest shop.

Adrien took a bite out of his treat and looked over to Marinette. She'd let him taste her twister, so he should allow her to try his!

"Hey Mari, here! Try this!" he stated shyly, pushing the treat towards her.

"uh- okay" she responded nervously and took a bite on the other side that Adrien hadn't yet sank his teeth into. "is that... Raspberry?" she questioned.

Adrien smiled. "I don't know- but it tastes good! Right?!" he exclaimed excitedly. He'd never had anyone to share his treats with, much less a girl he was head over heels in love with!

Marinette giggled and nodded in agreement. "Yeah, it's good!" she suddenly noticed something different. As Adrien smiled at her and spoke, she noticed his tongue and the tip of his teeth were blue.

"You're tongue is blue! Y-Your lips are turning blue too!" she let out a giggle, revealing her also blue tongue. "Yours too!" Adrien chuckled and dug into his icy treat once more.

Hopefully this day would last forever.

(A/N- Hey guys! I know- I know... I've not updated for a very long time- I've had a very bad writers block and wanted to enjoy my vacations for a while, but I'm back now and will try to update more. As an apology I made an especially long chapter for you today which I could have definitely carried on, but I didn't want it too lengthy. If you enjoyed please give it a vote and comment what your favourite part was. Share with your friends and let me know if you enjoy it or what you'd like to see happen next! Thank you so much for reading this chapter and keep an eye out for more updates! Until next time, peace!)

Word count: 702

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