Chapter 9

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Amber’s POV

After dropping Krystal off at her apartment I went to meet Heechul for our hangout. I couldn’t go home to change because I didn’t want him to wait. It’s rude to make someone wait for you when you asked them out. We were at a restaurant since we haven’t had our supper yet. While, waiting for the food to come out it started to thunder again. Seeing this it made me think about Krystal. Maybe I should have accompanied her. Every time lightning flashed or thunder boomed I would worriedly look out the restaurant.

“What’s wrong, Am?” Heechul called.

“Nothing, just…I’m worried about her.” I said still looking outside.

“Her? You mean Krystal?” he asked. I nodded.

“Why don’t you go to her then? We can just cancel our order.” He said with a smile.

“You sure? You don’t mind?” I asked worriedly. I didn’t want to offend him for leaving early.

“No, not at all. Go, we can hang out tomorrow.” Hearing this I gave him a smile and stood up to go but stopped when he added. “Go comfort your girl.”

“S-she’s not my girl.” I said scratching the back of my neck.

“Suuuure she isn’t. I’ve seen the look on your eyes when she’s around.” He stated. I kept denying his assumptions until he tricked me into answering.

“Fine, I do like her a little.” I said. “But just a little!” I quickly added. No, not just a little. I like her a lot. Ever since I met her at the school’s entrance on the first day I’ve already fell for her but it only took me till now to figure it out. However, I’m in a difficult position. I can’t freely act upon these feelings I have for her. If Donghae likes her…really, really likes her, I will have to let these feelings go. I don’t want to have a repeat of what happened three years ago.

“Pssh, I told you you like her.” Heechul said sticking out his tongue. “Now go, she’s probably too scared to fall asleep.” I got up to leave. Before leaving the restaurant he called out to me and gives me a fighting.

While on my way to her apartment I wondered if she had her supper yet. I know I haven’t since I left the restaurant before the food came out. I decided to stop by a convenience store to buy some ingredients for our supper. It only took me about ten minutes to purchase everything and go to her apartment. While standing in front of her door with the bag of groceries I became nervous. What if she doesn’t let me in? What if she slams the door in my face? What if- I was cut off from my thoughts when the door opened and I saw her in her short shorts and a tank top. Gosh, she’s beautiful.

“What do you want?” she asked coldly. I swallowed hard.

“E-er, I figured you haven’t had supper yet so I went and got some ingredients.” I said raising the bags in my hand so she can see. She raised a brow in suspicion. “I’m just doing this so that I won’t be blamed if and when you get sick.” I defended. If only she knew that I was worried about her being alone and this was an excuse to be with her. She looked like she was about to decline the offer when I heard her stomach growl. I smiled seeing her embarrass face. Cute! Seeing that she was distracted with her growling stomach I made my way inside without waiting for her approval.

I knew she had given in when she said “If the food tastes bad I will kill you, just so you know. Don’t saw I didn’t warn you.” before walking into a room. Wow, demanding just like a princess.

“Yes ma’am!” I bowed, playing the servant and her, my princess. I found my way into the kitchen. Upon opening the fridge I saw that there was nothing in there. Nothing, zilch, zip, nada. It’s either she just bought a new fridge or she doesn’t cook. I think the latter. I smiled knowing that it was the right choice for me to check up on her. She would have starved if I hadn’t come.

“So, is there a specific dish you want to eat? Something warm perhaps?” I asked. I wouldn’t want to make anything that she doesn’t like or is allergic to. I need to make a good first impression.

“Surprise me!” she shouted back.

“Will do, princess!” I shouted back before grabbing the potatoes to wash. I froze when my thoughts finished processing what I just called her. Oh crap! I hope she didn’t hear that. I stood perfectly still trying to listen to her movement. I let out a breath when I heard nothing indicating that she didn’t hear me call her princess.

While I was putting the finishing touches on the dishes she walked in. My heart picked up its pace when I knew she was staring at me. Playing it cool I turned to her and said “Let’s eat!”

“Well?” I asked when she took a sip of the soup I prepared. All the dishes I made tonight were to help prevent her from catching a cold.

“I-it’s good.” I was elated when she said it tastes good. I scooped some of the other dishes onto her plate. I want her to eat these so she won’t catch a cold later on. When we were full I cleared the table. I was about to bring them to the sink so I can wash them when she stopped me and took the dishes.

“Let me do the dishes.” she offered.

“It’s okay, let me do it. I made the mess so I should be the one cleaning it.” I said before taking the dishes from her. I want her to get as much rest as possible.

“O-okay.”Krystal said before leaving me in the kitchen. I proceeded to clean up the mess I made. When I was done I went to look for her to tell her that I was leaving. I found her in the living room dozing off. She really looks like a princess when she’s sleeping. I smiled. Her hand slipped off causing her to throw her head forward, waking her up in the process. Trying to suppress a chuckle I called out to her.

“Well, seeing how it’s not thundering anymore and you’re full I will take my leave.” I went into the hallway to put on my shoes. “Good night, princess.” I called out quickly before going out the door and closing it. I know I must have surprised her when I called her princess but I couldn’t help it. She really looks like a princess. She’s my princess.

When I got to Donghae’s apartment I took a long warm shower. I took some cold medicine just in case since I’ve been in my wet work clothes for a few hours and did not want to wake up with the flu. Settling into the bed in the guest room I was about to turn off the nightlight when my phone rang. Turning it on I saw the name I’ve been waiting for flash on the screen.

“Donghae hyung.” I muttered. I quickly swiped to answer the call.

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