Chapter 24

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Amber’s POV

The guys and I were running towards the university. We stayed up all night playing games and we weren’t able to wake up on time. I was in the lead since I got out of the apartment first. Just another turn and we’ll be at the university. However, when I took the turn I bumped into someone. This caused that person to fall. Instinctively I grabbed onto that person and pulled them towards me. When I was about to let go and apologize the person hugged me tighter. I pulled my head back a little to see who it was and when I did I tried pushing her harder but she wouldn’t budge.

“Am, why did you sto-” Key stopped talking when he saw who was hugging me. I made a face to help me. When the other guys got there they each took her hand and tried freeing me but couldn’t. They didn’t want to hurt her. No matter how crazy she is she is still a woman. I ended up walking to school with her glued to my side. Throughout the whole day she did not leave my side. When it got dark she finally let go. I let out a sigh.

“I’ll see you tomorrow. Okay honey?” she said with a smile. I didn’t answer and she turned to leave. Seeing that she was leaving I let my guard down. I shouldn’t have since the next thing I know she’s already kissing me. She smirked then left. My mouth was still opened trying to figure what just happened. When I snapped out of it I vigorously scrubbed my lips with my sleeve.

“Guys, I think I’ll be leaving Korea.” I told them when I walked into the living room.

“WHAT? WHY?” they all shouted.

“You know why.” I said releasing a loud sigh.

“Hyuna-shi?” I nodded dejectedly.

“Bro, don’t do anything too drastic. We’ll help you. We’ll hide you from her. We’ll protect you. Leaving Korea isn’t a solution. She’ll just follow you.” Minho reasoned. What he’s saying is true. She’ll just follow me. Damn, I’ll be stuck with her forever. I wanted to break down and cry. Why am I the one with a stalker when I’m not even a guy? Why can’t Hyuna just pick one of my handsome friends here? An idea popped up in my mind. I grinned widely.

“I know that grin. Don’t grin, Am! Don’t grin!” Key shouted.

“Let’s hook Hyuna up with Key.” I said with a smirk.

“NOOOOOOOO!” Key faked stabbed his heart and fell to his knees. “Someone, anyone! Save me, please!” They shook their heads and left the room.

“Thanks for taking her off my hands, buddy.” I patted his back before slowly walking away, leaving him to ‘cry’ in the living room.

We were heading out of the apartment to go to school when Hyuna showed up. And just like yesterday she latched herself to my side. I looked over to Key for help.

“Ahem..uhm Hyuna-shi c-c-could I hold onto your hand?” he reluctantly extended his hand for her to hold. I wanted to laugh at the face he was making but held it in.

“No.” Hyuna noona said before slapping it away. She latched herself back onto me and dragged me off. I turned back to see the guys holding Key down so he wouldn’t chase after her to rip off her head. A small chuckled escaped my mouth.

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