Chapter 31

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Krystal’s POV

After the two were taken to the hospital I never saw them again. Their parents wouldn’t allow me to even go near their rooms. I begged and plead but it was no use. Every time I went to visit Amber and Donghae in the hospital I would be dragged out. I don’t know how they’re doing, I don’t even know if they made it. I could only pray that she is fine. It’s been a few days and every night I cry myself to sleep, hoping that at least I’ll be able to be by Amber’s side in my dreams.

“Krys, please eat something.” Unnie came into my darken room with a plate of food. She handed me the food but I wouldn’t take it. I pushed it away when she tried again.

“I don’t want to eat!!” I shouted. She sighed before leaving my room. I’m sorry, unnie. Once again I’m alone in my dark room where no light shines through. “Am.” I sob quietly. I hugged my knees tighter.

Donghae’s POV

When I opened my eyes I was staring at a brightly lit place. I had to squint because of it. Am I dead? I knew I wasn’t when I heard a gasp. I turned towards it and saw my mom.

“Y-you’re awake!” Mom came and hugged me, crying. I winced in pain and seeing this she pulled back. “Mom is sorry. Mom didn’t mean to hurt you.” She caressed my face gently.

“M-mom.” my throat was dry. She quickly handed me a cup of water. After drinking it I asked, “Where is Am? How is she?” She turned away from my gaze. I can see the sadness.

“S-she w-woke up an hour ago..” I was elated to hear this “b-but she’s slowly…” mom broke down crying. I knew it wasn’t something good. I comforted my mom. After my mom had calm down my dad walked in, head hanging low.

“Dad.” I looked at him sadly.

“Am wants to talk to you.” He said before supporting me to go see Amber. We were in front of Am’s room when dad broke down crying. I’ve never seen my dad cry before. I couldn’t find the right words to comfort him. I just pulled him into a hug and we cried together.

“G-go in, I’ll follow after I recompose myself.” He told me. I nodded and headed inside. When I got inside her room my heart stopped when I saw Amber. She was barely holding on. I stumbled towards her bed and grabbed hold of her hand.

“A-A-Am, I’m here.” I tried holding back the tears that were escaping. Her hands were cold.

“H-hyung.” She said softly. She didn’t even have the strength to open her eyes anymore. I silently cried harder. Why? Why is this happening to my little sister? “P-p-please…t-take care o-of my p-p-princess.” She struggled to say.

“No, Am. Don’t talk like that. Please, you’ll make it. We’ll make it together.” I sobbed. She only smiled a small sad smile.

“Y-you know th-the game we always p-play where I pr-pretend to be you?” she said. I nodded my head. “Let’s play i-it one last time.” I didn’t understand what she meant. “T-this time you’ll b-be me.” I held onto her hand tighter and cried.

“A-Am, d-don’t-” I tried to say but was cut off from the long beep coming from the heart monitor. Her loose grip had become even looser. I shook her hand, trying to wake her up but when I got no response I cried my heart out. “AM!” Dad walked in and when he saw Amber’s lifeless body. He leaned against the wall for support, his washed face now stain with tears again.

Krystal’s POV

I received a call from the Lius that Donghae didn’t make it and that Amber is awake. I cried. Although I didn’t love him, I did date him for half a year. At moments I saw his kind and caring side but those weren’t the ones I fell for. I can’t imagine how sad Amber is right now. I hurried to the hospital to comfort Amber and stay by her side. When I walked into her room I saw her lifelessly staring out the hospital window. Seeing this my heart broke. I ran to her and engulfed her into an embrace. When we touched I didn’t feel those warm tingling sensation that I felt before. It was cold. I dismissed it because she just lost her brother. Throughout the whole day I was by her side she didn’t say anything. She didn’t look at me, only stared out the window. When visiting time was over I leaned in for a kiss. No warmth, no tingling sensation, no electric current running through my body.

“I’ll be back tomorrow.” I told her. She only nodded. I looked at her one last time before leaving. As I was walking down the hallways I heard the nurse whispering.

“It’s so sad. The older brother lost her sister.”

“The two look so alike you wouldn’t know who’s who.”

“They’re both so handsome.”

“Once the brother heals I want him to meet my daughter.”

“What was his name again?”


Their whispering became more inaudible as I walked on. Nurses shouldn’t be gossiping about their patients. 

The End

Nah, I'm just playing with you guys. Disregard this chapter. The real ending will be up later. Sorry for being a troll. No more trolling, I promise.

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