Chapter 10

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Amber’s POV

It’s a beautiful Monday morning. The sun is out, the birds are chirping, and best of all I dreamt about my princess. I was walking into the school yard when Heechul shouted out to me.

“Morning, bro! What’s with the creepy smile?” Heechul asked as he ran to my side carrying a huge bag.

“Good morning. What smile are you talking about?” I said trying to put on a poker face but failed miserably when we passed by THE tree. Remembering the moment I held Krystal’s hand under that tree three days ago only made me smile wider.

“That!” he said pointing to my face. I pushed him away gently. I didn’t want to be embarrassed so early in the morning. The students greeted us excitedly as we passed by and we returned the greeting.

“So, are you ready for today? Loser has to treat the winner to lunch.” Heechul said as we entered the teacher’s lounge. I set my bag down at my desk then turned to him.

“Ready for what? Are we doing something today?” I tilted my head to the side.

“Did you forget already? We talked about it at the teacher’s meeting last Friday!” Heechul stated as he smacked my head. I rubbed it trying to ease the pain. Seeing that I still don’t know what he’s talking about he added, “sports day.”

“Ooooh! Now I remember.” I smiled sheepishly. At the last teacher’s meeting we had talked about today’s event. Instead of holding classes it’ll be sports day just for faculty and students. Teachers, boys, and girls will create teams and compete with one another. This is so we strengthen the bonds between teacher and student and at the same time allow the girls and boys to mingle. Also, as incentives to have everyone participate the winning team will get a prize at the end of the day.

“Yes, that’s why I came prepared.” He said holding up the huge bag that he was carrying earlier.

“What’s in that bag?” I tried taking a peek to see what’s inside but he held it away from me.

“It’s.a.secret.” he said before shoving the bag under his desk. It must be his change of clothes and equipment. He must really want to beat me if he came prepared. The other teachers started filing in and they seem like they came prepared too. I smiled thinking of how fun it will be but then remembered something.

“I didn’t bring any change of clothes.” I said as I looked at what I was wearing. Dress shoes, khakis, dress shirt, and a tie aren’t really ideal to wear to play sports.

“Yes!!Better chance of me winning!” He exclaimed and jumped around like he had already won. The sight made me chuckle.

An announcement was made throughout the whole school that the games will begin in an hour and thirty minutes. Everyone was to go to their homeroom and wait for directions. As I entered the classroom I saw how excited the girls were. They literally were jumping around and chatting enthusiastically about the day to come. They seemed prepare for they had their headbands on, tied their hair in a ponytail, wearing tennis shoes, wearing comfortable sport attires, they even had coolers. How did I miss all these hints when I came to the school?

After the head master explained the rules she dismissed us to create teams. Everyone was to find and join a team within an hour. A team can have a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 10 people. Heechul and I were obviously going to be on different teams since we have our own competition going on on the side. I knew who I wanted as the first member of my team. Krystal. I went around desperately trying to find the girl but I couldn’t since the halls were packed with students, both boys and girls, who too were desperately looking for their teammates. I should have asked her where her homeroom was located. I scolded myself in my head.

“Mr. Liu!” I heard someone shout for me. I turned towards the voice and saw four girls and two boys running towards me.

“Yes?” I asked when they were in front of me.

“We were just wondering if you wanted to join our team.” A girl said.

“Ah, I’m sorry!” I said with a bow. “It’s not that I don’t want to join your team it’s just I-” I was cut off.

“It’s okay, we understand. You don’t have to explain.” I smiled knowing that they weren’t upset with me for turning them down. “We won’t go easy on you though.” They said. This made me chuckle.

“Of course, I wouldn’t have it any other way.” After they left I continued to search for Krystal. I saw Jessie noona, Yuri noona, and Victoria noona huddled together.

“Noona!” I called to them.

“Donghae. What do you want?” Jessie noona said coldly.

“Sica, behave.” Yuri noona told Jessie noona. Wow, someone could actually tame this ice princess. I’m impressed Yuri noona.

“Do you know where Krystal is? I can’t find her.” I said. The faster I get to the point the faster I’ll get away from the ice princess.

“Why are you looking for my sister?” she asked not forgetting to poke my shoulder with every word.

“I want her to be on my team.” I said while holding in the pain.

“I am not going to tell-” she started but was cut off when Yuri noona said “She headed towards the rooftop.” I thanked them before running towards the rooftop. Looking at the time we only had 27 minutes left. Upon reaching the door to the rooftop I stopped to catch my breath. It’s hard to run at full speed when you’re in dress shoes. Opening the door I saw her facing towards the field where most of the events will take place. She looks so beautiful without even trying.

“Krystal!” I shouted. This caught her attention. She turned towards me and when she saw me she had a puzzled face.

“What?” she asked when I walked towards her.

“E-erm…I don’t have a team yet and I was wondering if you would like to be on my team.” I said looking at the ground, my heart pounding thrice as fast. She was quiet and after a few seconds my heart stopped when she said “I’m sorry…”

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