Chapter 4

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I was at the back listening to Ms. Jung teach the class. Apparently, she was the teacher’s assistant. I had thought she was a student when I first met her. This explains why she was talking to me informally earlier. Why didn’t Donghae tell me that he has an assistant? Knowing this could have saved me from all the stress.

“Mr. Liu!” Ms. Jung shouted snapping me out from my thoughts.

“Y-yes?” I asked.

“Please do pay attention when in class.” she said before turning to the board smirking. I heard some chuckles coming from the girls making my cheeks turn red from embarrassment. Aish! I’ll get you back, just you wait Jung. I paid extra close attention so I won’t miss my chance to make a fool out of her. But the class ended without me doing so. I couldn’t pick on her for anything since she was perfect at teaching and explaining the concept. I left the room dejectedly but was stopped by her.

“Liu! Please be a role model for the students. Don’t let this happen again.” Ms. Jung said before turning to walk away.

“Yah!” I shouted. Why is she treating me like a kid? I grabbed her wrist and spun her around.

“Let go of me, pervert!” Ms. Jung screamed.

“Not until you-” I started but was cut off when she shouted.

“Unnie! Unnie! Help me!” My eyes widen.What? Unnie? Her unnie is here?

“Donghae! LET GO OF MY SISTER NOW! N.O.W!!” a menacing voice came from behind me. “Oh shit.” I cursed in my head. Letting Ms. Jung go I turned to see this ‘unnie’. I saw the coldest pair of eyes staring at me. It was burning with hatred. “I warned you before that if you bother my dongsaeng again I will kill you and dump your body in the Han river. Seems to me that you didn’t take it too seriously.” She smiled slyly. I really think I will die today.

I gulped before saying “I-i-it’s a misunderstanding ma’am.” I was shaking so bad.

“Hey, bro! Let’s go grab lunch!” Heechul waved as he ran towards me. Seeing him I let out an inaudible sigh in relief. I’m saved. However, he stopped in his track. “J-Jessie noona.” He stuttered.


“N-nevermind, I-I’ll see you in the cafeteria, bro.” he said before racing off. So much for saving me.

“Thanks for the help, friend.” I sarcastically said stressing out the last word when I plopped down in the open seat in front of Heechul.

“Sorry, no one can do anything when it comes to Jessie noona. You of all people should know that.” He said before taking a bite to eat. “You really should stop making a move on Krystal though if you want to live.”

“Krystal??” I tilted my head in confusion. “Who’s that?” I don’t remember making a move on any Krystal. I don’t even know a Krystal.

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